Thursday, November 3, 2011

Permit Parking On Karlov

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:36pm. I'm finally back in action with the blog, after being absent for two days. Sorry about that guys, but I was busy with doing homework for school and getting things in order as far as paying fees and stuff. That's out of the way for now. Anyway, as we all know, it's November, which means many thing. The holiday season is fastly approaching, it's raining a lot to prepare for the first snow, and the anniversary of my blog is coming up. Three years this year. Can you believe it? I can't. It seems like I just started this blog yesterday, but it's been a whole 3 years. Well, I'll stop talking for now and give you all the crime for this evening.

7:39pm - Parker. 2300 block of N Karlov. Permits.

7:50pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

8:04pm - I'm back.

8:25pm - Parker. 23XX N Keystone. Permits.

8:44pm - Fire. 29XX N Lawndale.

9:01pm - Parker. 36XX W Wrightwood. Handicap space.

9:09pm - Beat 2563Charlie is on a traffic stop at 39XX W Belden.

9:16pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Have a good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.

10:48pm - I'm back for a little bit.

11:08pm - Beat car 2522Robert has a street stop at Diversey and Avers. Female needed for a search.

11:14pm - Burglar alarm. 3700 W Diversey. At the Adrian's Food Grocery. Glass break motion.

11:17pm - Beat car 2523R is on scene of the 11:14pm job. There's no broken glass or anything, but they're going to do a walk-through.

11:26pm - I'm gone for sure now. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. Hey Timmy,missed you buddy....I was thinking bout helping out the homeless by taking a couple of them to my home for the holiday season

  2. So nice to see you are having a good day. Good luck in H.S. and have fun!

  3. I live on the blk of 2900 N. Springfield and are beat cops that patrol on my beat are 2nd to none..,great job thx for keeping us safe!

  4. Permit parking is illegal. The streets are not a private parking lot. A city sticker should be enough to park in the city.

  5. Why does CHicago have so many bums? We have brutal winters. I am all for raising taxes a bit so we can give the homeless one way bus tickets to warmer cities. On my way to my downtown office I frequently have to step over one on the sidewalk. The police seem to let him lay on sidewalk all day!

  6. Oh yeah I'm sure the warmer states would love us doing that we want any of their homeless garbage

  7. @Rod Yockey...I also was chased by those dirty bastard "club gibbons" hoodlums the other day.We need to rally against these little assholes before they take over our neighborhood.

  8. The beat is not safe. The police do little to help end crime. You try to get them to make a report and they usually blow you off, or tell you to use callback, or go to the station. We'd be better off with a thousand new pod cameras, then a thousand new cops.
