Saturday, November 5, 2011

Female Fight On Lawndale

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:13pm. It's a pretty nice evening outside. Not too cold. Tonight will get into the mid to upper 40s, which is pretty nice weather for an early November evening. Anyway, don't forget to change your clocks back one hour before you head to sleep tonight. It's that time of year again. I kind of dread it, because it's going to get dark around 5pm now, and there are times in the school year where I'll be getting home around that time. Lastly, I'm doing the usual weekend schedule of monitoring. From now until the first call after midnight, then tomorrow from when I wake up until my dinner. So with that, here's crime for tonight.
7:30pm - Battery in progress. 31XX N Lawndale. Two females fighting in front.

7:45pm - EMS is needed. One female's really intoxicated. They're in the alley of 3055 on Milwaukee.

7:51pm - Person w/ a gun. 41XX W Fletcher. Caller went to the known drug house to go get their daughter and had a gun pointed at them. The daughter needs to be taken to the hospital, because she's bi-polar.

7:54pm - Beat car 2523 is complaining that EMS passed them up twice on the 7:30/7:45pm thing.

8:25pm - Burglar alarm. 41XX W Nelson.

8:44pm - Burglar alarm. 3651 W Schubert. At the Monroe school.


  1. U got any word on something that happened in 25th near George n kostner area between like 6 and 7 tonight involving a stolen car n accidebt? ? If so let me know. Thanks

  2. Let's clean up the streets and attend all CAPS meeting this winter guys! The hoodlums and crime doesn't rest when it gets cold!!

  3. Yeah I live on the 2800 N. Kostner and I witnessed the vehicle crash into a poor kid riding his bicycle and then into a bunch of parked cars.Then I saw 2 black males in hoodies run w/b on George.Apparently the bicyclist was killed cause the cops thru a white sheet over the person laying in the street,the white sheet was all stained with blood it was pretty gross.I guess we'll be putting another ghost bike @ George/Kostner..wen does the madness end!

  4. Killed someone on a bike!? Wat r u talking about! ? I just wanted verification of the stolen car n hitting parked cars as I was told about it. U live on 2800 block of kostner!? Interesting so do I :-) btw y do they have to be black guys running away? They were Hispanic males.

  5. They were black u moron,I saw them with my own eyes jerkoff!

  6. N y would u comment when something isn't true @all? I just found out I was misinformed n this was somewhere around the aldi on diversey by big lots..

  7. Wow really well fyi they were Hispanic cuz my friends chased them. N don't call me a jerkoff because you dont even know me...

  8. No it wasn't I was there peckerhead,it was 2 male blacks w/hoodies..get ur story straight cause your talking out your @$$!!!!

  9. Let's cease with the childish name calling people. What's the difference if they were black or spanish? It's all the same.

  10. Bobbo-

    CAPS meetings are a waste of time and are depressing. Many losers without cable television attend them.

    The biggest waste of time are anti-violence marches that accomplish NOTHING! Its all a big liberal smoke screen.

    Try doing something more productive with your life.

  11. Don Muraco-

    Go fuck yourself. CAPS meetings are good for the community and my mom attends them. You better hope I never meet you on the street you cocksucker. I'd beat the living piss out of you!

  12. Both Ron,Don&Mr.anonymous on the 2800 N. Kostner can kiss my ass.I know what I saw that nite so you all can go to HELL!

  13. Timmy, I work at the pornography store at Armitage and Cicero. While I was walking home, a group of gangbangers egged me from head to toe. I would have fought them but there were too many. One of them threatened to shove an egg up my ass. Is there any kind of laws where it is illegal to carry eggs on your person if they are not in a container? Seems to me there should be.

  14. Trost- I never even addressed you pipsqueak. You can eat my ass.

    Ron Bass-

    You try it old man, and I'll knock your dick in the dirt. Better yet, I'll just get a jew lawyer and sue your ass. I'm not some Club Gibbons member you can shoot with a rock salt gun.

    This is America and I'm entitled to my opinion without having to be threatened by the likes of you trailer trash.

  15. Hello lads. Good tidings from the Emerald Isle, Ireland, which is where I am typing this from. Big fan of Chicago and gangsters and crime. This blog looks interesting. I have never been to Chicago yet, but plan on going soon one day. What is a gangbanger in America? In Europe a gangbang is a group of men having sex with one woman and each other. I doubt that is what egged Mr. Funk.

  16. Timmy, I find it unfair that you would post comments from that Ron Bass guy threatening me, but would not publish my retort. While I haven't always agreed with your comments, I have always enjoyed your blog. You should publish comments fairly, and allow me to respond to assholes like Ron that threaten bodily harm.

    I noticed you never posted any more about monitoring pod cameras. I guess you took my advise and realized it was a stupid waste of time. Anyway, keep up the good work and try to be more fair.

  17. Hey Seamus a gangbanger is 99% Hispanics or blacks that we have in this shithole neighborhood named avondale.we have the kings,cobras and the worst of all club gibbons.their all pretty ruthless bunch of minority shitbags,that why this city is broke cause of the blacks on SSI/link cards and the illegal immigrants/criminals draining this once beautiful city...If u have any more ?'s let me know my Irish buddy!!

  18. Hi Seamus. Gangbangers in America have nothing to do with fun sex party's. In this country a gangbanger is the lowest form of life. They are losers and cowards that ban together in order to create chaos. In our neighborhood, the local gang has dubbed themselves 'Club Gibbons.' They are basically a drunken crew of gypsies, tramps, and thieves that rob, rape, and steal. Timmy has alerted the Alderman and the police about them but they are a tough crew to get rid of. Detectives found in one of their abandoned club houses an old Beta tape that they filmed of themselves having sex with a goat and then killing it as part of some satanic ritual they were conducting. On Halloween night last week I shot one of them with a rock salt gun. Hope all is well in Ireland, take care.

  19. Anonymous 10:12, not until it was mentioned here.

    Dan, thank you for that information. However, refrain from the name-calling next time or I will not publish anymore of your comments. Just letting you know.

    Ron, it's funny how you say stop the childish name-calling (which I agree to) but then threaten Don. I agree CAPS meetings are for the good of the community, but you certainly didn't have to get angry about it.

    Don, I highly, highly disagree with you here. I don't think for one minute CAPS meetings are a waste of time (well, not most of them anyway). If anything, they can help make a community better. CAPS meetings are for the community to share their concerns and issues about their neighborhood with the police department and discuss the problems and come up with useful ways to solve the problems. The process also involves elected officials at times, as we all know. While I do agree that CAPS meetings can be depressing, that's what you have to except out of them. If there weren't problems, we wouldn't need the meetings. I also disagree with your opinion on the anti-violence marches. There's been quite a few areas in which these marches have worked in. In my honest opinion, I think it all depends on how involved the community is and how much they're willing to work with the city.

    With that, this comment thread is closed. I've sat here too long and let the name-calling escalate to verbal assaults. Enough is enough. I truly hope all of you involved will mature a bit and learn how to disagree respectfully.
