Thursday, November 17, 2011

Drinker In Alley On Monticello

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:58pm. It's a cold night, with temps around 30. It's clear, though. Tonight will be in the upper 20s. It'll warm up a bit tomorrow, into the 40s, I think. Speaking of tomorrow, I'm covering 17 all day. And since we're talking about what I'll be monitoring, I'll let you all know that I'm monitoring 25 from now until a little after midnight, and then again on Saturday from when I wake up until my dinner. I will not blog on Sunday. With that said, here's crime for this evening.

7:20pm - Disturbance. 2200 block of N Monticello. In the alley. Drinker.

7:47pm - EMS run. Belmont and Pulaski. Male down on the corner. Possible battery victim.

11:05pm - Robbery. Avers and Milwaukee. Caller was just robbed.

11:43pm - Battery in progress. 27XX N Lawndale. Couple of people fighting in front.

11:51pm - Loud music disturbance. 37XX W McLean.

1 comment:

  1. Whats up with all the old polski folks walking around in the alleys? Don't they know that's how you get robbed? If you ask for trouble the police shouldn't get involved.
