Friday, October 28, 2011

Threatening Suicide On Albany

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:18am. Sorry for no post yesterday, but my computer wasn't working and I spent hours fixing it. But, in the 5pm hour, there were about 10 gangbangers going up and down Diversey, imtimdating people, flashing and shouting gang signs/slogans, etc. Anyway, I'm monitoring 17 today for all of you good residents North of Belmont. We'll see what happens. Here's crime for today.

9:47am - Threatening suicide. 33XX N Albany. Caller's wife is threatening to kill herself.

10:11am - Information for the CPD. 34XX N Lawndale. Corner seal needs to be removed. This is where that murder occurred last week.

10:32am - Beat 1702 is coming over the air, saying that an assist unit is needed at Belmont and Kedzie for the 14th District and Streets and San. They need some help clearing out the homeless people. 1732 is assigned.

11:00am to 11:40am - I recorded this time period, but for some reason my microphone didn't get it. I'll get this time period tomorrow.

1:05pm - There's just been a traffic accident at Belmont and Keeler. It's on 25's side and there's injures.

1:21pm - Beat car 2525 is handling the accident.

2:40pm - Disturbance. Kimball and Belmont. Female in a wheelchair begging for money.

2:47pm - Beat 1761David has a street stop at Addison and California.

2:58pm - Person down. Kimball and Avondale. Person down on the east side of the street.

3:03pm - Traffic accident. Melrose and Kimball. Rollover. EMS and CFD en route.

3:04pm - Two males are fighting at the scene of the 3:03pm accident. Coming in as a "battery in progress".

3:07pm - Beat car 1733 is at the accident. There's a fight and robbery may have a role in it.

3:08pm - A slow down is being given at the accident.

3:12pm - Beat 1761Adam is on scene of the accident also, and reports there's a lot of people over there.

3:23pm - Reckless driver. California and Belmont. Small black car with a male in it falling asleep. He's heading towards Melrose.

3:30pm - 1) Theft. 2909 W Addison. Two males just stole something from the Payless Shoes. 2) Landlord/tenant dispute. 37XX W Addison. Problem with a tenant.

3:34pm - Two people are being taken in from the accident.

3:53pm - Burglar alarm. 35XX N Whipple.

3:58pm - 1733 wants to know what time the accident call came out. It came out at 15:03 hours (3:03pm).

4:16pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 37XX W Addison. I believe they called here earlier.

4:50pm - EMS run. 2818 W Belmont. Girlfriend can't be woken up. May have taken too much medicine. Over at the Burger King.

6:19pm - The event number from the whole accident thing is 11138.

7:04pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:19pm - I'm back.

7:31pm - Narcotics. Belmont and Monticello. Seven to eight guys smoking refer on the street.

9:20pm - Person w/ a knife. 39XX W Roscoe. Female in the alley running with a knife.

9:47pm - Some call at 3500 N. Kimball, the Home Depot.

10:04pm - Loud music disturbance. 33XX N Central Park. Loud party and underage drinking.

10:32pm - Disturbance. 32XX N Drake. Loud people.

10:35pm - Another call on the 10:04pm job.

11:12pm - ANOTHER call on Central Park.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back in the morning. Good night, everyone.


  1. If I were her I would just jump in front of a train instead of wasting emergency responders time...

  2. Piper, on Diversey between Ridgeway and Avers.

    Frankie, that's a really, really cruel thing to say. Why would you say something like that?

  3. Timmy why would you post something like that!!!
