Saturday, October 22, 2011

Murder On Lawndale On Tuesday

Hello everyone. Sorry I'm really late with this, but a murder occurred in the Avondale community on Tuesday. It occurred on the 3400 block of N Lawndale Avenue at about 8:40am in a home on the block. According to the information I've gotten, from the Chicago Tribune and Chicago News Report, a 16 year old boy named Andre Vasquez was killed when two gunmen wearing masks inveaded the home and shot him dead. His mother, Krystal Hethcoat, 33, was seriously injured in the accident. A 14 year old sister was involved, but she managed to escape. Vasquez was pronounced dead at 12:31pm at Illinois Masonic.

The sister and Vasquez were getting ready for school when this happened. Vasquez allegedly opened the door and the two men ran in, then rushed the home. The offenders ordered all of the victims to the ground and held them at gunpoint, then duct-taped their hands and feet together. The offenders allegedly demanded money. After stealing items from the home, a jewelry box, a cell phone, credit cards and Hethcoat's state I.D., they ran to the car and put the stolen items in it. During that time, the sister was able to free herself and run for help. The men then came back in the house, and shot both Vasquez and Hethcoat in the head, because they believed that both would be able to identify them, should the police get there.

All three of the offenders were arrested shortly after the incident. The offenders are as follows: Jennifer Vojinovic Williams (the getaway driver), 27, Devonte Williams, 17, and Sean Williams, 33. All were charged with home invasion, first degree murder and unlawful restraint. They plead gulity to their charges, according to the information I've been given. Allegedly, Vojinovic was the brain who thought this murder through, apparently because of a falling out she had with Hethcoat.

Hethcoat is being described as a good woman who truly loved her children and was doing good in life. She apparently was going back to school to learn drafting and designing, despite being laid off from her lumbering job. Vasquez, a sophomore who was attending Schurz High School, allegedly was recieving As and Bs in school, meaning he was a good student. He was a good student who had no gang affliations, according to numerous sources, including the family.

Police were investigating whether this shooting was gang and/or drug-related. According to a few sources, including Chicago News Report, who grabbed their information off of Hethcoat's Facebook profile, Hethcoat may have had a boyfriend who was involved in a gang. She was allegedly seen in a photo with a group of men, who were throwing up gang signs. Also, Chicago News Report claims that Vojinovic may have been planning this murder for about a month or so.

The arrests probably would have not been made if it wasn't for Ray Souchet, a 53 year old Streets and Sanitation worker, who witnessed the car being out in front of the residence, it being in the alley, and then it leaving the scene. So, we have him to thank for that.

Police are investigating and will continue to investigate.

My opinion: What a sad, sad story. My condolences to Vasquez's family. This shouldn't have never happened. I'm glad the suspects are off of our streets, and I'm glad they'll rot in jail. I hope what some sources are saying about Hethcoat aren't true. I truly hope she wasn't involved in gangs and drugs, or had a gangbanging boyfriend. If she did, I'm sorry, but she brought this on herself. That's a big IF, though. If this was a gang-related or drug-related incident, then we can except retailation for this. And this is exactly why I am helping my alderman organize an anti-violence march in the area for next month. We really need to stop the violence in this community. Enough is enough. You've got innocent youth being killed now, for God's sake. To the criminals and gangbangers out there - drop your guns, drop your crack pipes, pull up your pants, pick up a book, pick up a college or job application, and go to college or a job or church. Get involved with something positive. Please. For the sake of our children and youth. So, to wrap up, my thoughts and prayers are with this family. Let's hope something like this never happens again.

Media coverage: Chicago Tribune

- Timmy


  1. Unfortunately, this looks like a "friend" of the mother's may have planned this...

  2. Always an honor student that gets shot? Yeah right. You'll see some of the pictures of these so-called honor students throwing up gang signs in their pictures.

  3. Amen to your last paragraph. Too much violence. I don't think people even know why they are killing each other anymore.

  4. Use 2 live in chicago and truly love my home town but wouldnt want 2 ever live there and it's so sad about this babi.thats just want he was a babi his life hadnt even begone 2 live his life and if mom was in gang or not her child didnt deserve that.

  5. The boy really was an A and B student, and kept his nose clean. His mom was ex-friends with a jealous, stupid woman who planned this.

    Don't think the mom's bf is a gang-banger--he has a good a job. Unfort. ppl see hip-hop artists representin' and think it's fun, not considering that they may be gang symbols.

    1. People this had absolutely nothing to do with gangs. My boyfriend is not a gang member and neither was my son, who was an honor roll student with a 3.7GPA. There is no way we could have ever known this horrible tragedy was going to happen to us. Don't judge what you don't know
