Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kids Block Sidewalk On Ridgeway

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:55pm. It's a cold and rainy afternoon out there. It's barely 50 degrees right now. It's going to get into the lower 40s tonight, with the rain picking up, with winds getting heavy. Just an unpleaseant forecast, but it's that time of year. Anyway, sorry for no post yesterday. I had to take care of some community obligations and do my homework. Well, I don't have much else to say, so here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

5:36pm - Disturbance. 2700 block of N Ridgeway. Group of kids blocking the sidewalk.

5:55 to 7:10pm - Didn't pay attention and had to eat. I'll get this time period tomorrow.

8:19pm - EMS run. 36XX W Wolfram.

8:45pm - Parker. 30XX N Pulaski.

9:00pm - I'm gone for the night. I'll see you all tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. Well at least with colder weather coming there'll be less teens loose on the streets.

  2. So the police are going to wear motorcycle helmets to the riots? They fear which are coming in the spring? They look kind of old dated. These cops today ar'nt the same as those in the sixties.

  3. That was the evil fake Chad McGibbons,don't pay attention to him!

  4. Timmy how do you go about getting rid of that eye sore that I pass every morning on my way to work,I'm talking about that pieca shit bicycle@ diversey/avers,I'm sick of looking at it?

  5. Saw on that cop blog that the police are running scared. I guess when those G8 guys come to town the cops will run away. And I'm Chaz, not Chad.

  6. I thought the gypsies took the bike.

  7. Any information on the shooting/home invasion on 3400 N Lawndale?

    This surely wasn't a random attack.

  8. I want to give a shout out to paddy wagon 2573... Those are my buddies,every time I see them they wave! I live on the blk of 2800 N. Avers

  9. I now have over 2 full tapes worth of street walker activity. They are seen "strutting their stuff" up and down Armitage. One has 3inch high heels & I witnessed her "working" in an alley. Any advice on what to do with my tapes? This is ruining my neighborhood and needs to stop!

  10. Panos T. - Do you like the 2800 block of N Avers?

  11. Yeah,do u plan on moving in on our lovely block?

  12. Not on some of the blocks in the area, bobbo. Most, but certainly not all.

    Frankie, talk to the alderman's office or CAPS about that. I personally don't know what to do about it.

    Chaz, those cops on SCC don't represent the majority of the department. In fact, only a small precentage of it. Most of those cops on that blog are the ones who whine all the time and don't want to do their job.

    Anonymous 7:54, I am fully aware of that incident and will surely have a post on it by the weekend. You'e right, it wasn't a ramdom attack at all. Pretty shocking, I must say.

    Panos T., thanks for that shoutout. I'm sure they'll appreciate it. They're nice guys.

    Anonymous 9:07, turn that footage over to the alderman's office and to CAPS. Also show your neighbors if possible.

  13. @ Frankie . Is the " piece of shit bicycle" bothering you that much? I mean really people complain about the stupidest things ever. Are you riding the bicycle or is it paying your bills? I live one block down the street from that bike and I see it all the time and it doesn't bother me. There's more garbage and gangbangers on the ground to complain about than a bike that's a symbol and memorial for a good guy that got killed because of stupid gangbangers. I happen to know the guy and his family also. If it was one of your family members and got killed like Jeff did , you wouldn't be saying that . Why don't you complain about how pathetic you sound complaint about something soo stupid like that loser! There's More gangbangers in the park and all up and down Diversey you should be complaining about. That's what caused that " piece of shit bicycle" to be there in the first place! You're probably a loser like they are!

  14. Anon 917AM filmed a hooker performing in the alley?! He's keeping it so he can pleasure himself! LOL

    The lawndale shooting is very sad story. Not sure which media outlets are reporting it correctly, but the shooting was either gang related or just a petty argument between the mother and the getaway driver.

  15. Panoz T. - Is this a safe block to be on?
