Sunday, September 18, 2011

Two Men Having Sex @ Wrightwood And Kostner, Loud Music Disturbance On Lawndale

Good morning, everyone, it's 10:15am. It's a cloudy day out there, in the upper 50s. Today will be around 70 and rainy. Anyway, I'll be monitoring 25 from now until my dinner, then I'll be gone for the night. Tomorrow morning, I'll monitor 14 before I go to school. I won't blog tomorrow after I get home from school because I have a meeting I have to attend in the evening. It's the Avondale Neighborhood Association meeting, at 7pm, at St. Hyacinth's. I also have a couple of other meetings I have to attend this week. On Wednesday, I'll be attending an "Autism Awareness Seminar" that's being held right here in our community. It's being held at the El Centro Campus of Northeastern Illinois University, at 3119 N Pulaski, at 6pm. Then, I may have two meetings on Thursday to chose from. We'll see. Here's crime for today.

10:22am - Sex offense. Wrightwood and Kostner. In the alley. Two men having sex in a car.

10:47am - Loud music disturbance. 28XX N Lawndale.

11:15am - Burglar alarm. 31XX N Monticello.

12:15pm - Burglary. 39XX W Dickens. Group of males in black ski masks just took a '42 inch Plasma TV out of an apartment. Details to follow...

12:16pm - The guys were armed with '9 milmeters.

12:47pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

1:05pm - Some call at 3963 W Belmont regarding a foreclosed property. Wait a minute, I thought that was Shoemaker Lofts, with like 100 condo apartments in it or something.

2:00pm - 1) Municipal ordinance violation. 18XX N Pulaski. 2) Suspicious vehicle. 41XX W Wellington. Car's been there for a couple of days.

3:00pm - They're calling back on Belmont.

3:12pm - Assault in progress. 37XX W Diversey. In the alley, people in a gold vehicle are about to fight.

3:18pm - Assault in progress. Armitage and Pulaski. At the gas station.

3:52pm - Burglary in progress. 29XX N Avers.

4:01pm - A flash is given from the 3:52pm job. Two male Blacks with black clothing are involved. They're driving a black Chevy. No further at this time.

4:07pm - Battery in progress. Milwaukee and Central Park. Group of people beating up on one.

5:01pm - Disturbance. Somewhere in the area.

6:48pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back in the morning. Good night, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Real men carry 45's. The 9 is useless against anything larger than a cat or a rat.
