Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to remind everyone who lives on Beat 2535 that your CAPS meeting is this evening at 6:30pm, at the Maternity BVM Church at 3647 West North Avenue. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this Beat, it covers the Ames Middle school area, the McAufflie school area, the Monticello Park area, the Beilfuss area, and the area around Maternity. The officials boundaries for this Beat are Armitage to the north, Pulaski to the west, Division to the south (North Ave. for this blog) and Central Park to the east.

If you live on this Beat, please attend your CAPS meeting. It's only one hour out of your time and could really help improve your area if you make it work.



  1. Don't forget, after the meeting there's street girls walking about on North ave. to satisfy your needs. Support your local street worker.

  2. Why can't Chicago do what other big Midwest cities are doing with their homeless? They are giving the homeless one way Greyhound bus tickets to anywhere in the U.S. They usually head south to warmer climates. This would clean up the cities recently tarnished image. I heard the homeless will be able to sleep in police stations this winter! Unreal.

  3. bobbo, I thought they shut that business down on North ave. years ago with the change in the neighborhood. Timmy, do you know if the prostitution district is currently active & if so where exactly? What streets, time ect.. I plan on reporting this immediately.

  4. WTH is wrong with this Bobbo dude? He be writing some crazy stuff ! I think there's a Mental issue going on with him! Why don't he go support the " street walkers" and add an STD to his gutter mind ! @ Bobbo there's other sick minded blogs that you can be on. Stay off of this one! This blog is meant to keep the neighborhood safe !

  5. You two trolls need a constructive hobby.

  6. Timmy, please give the exact streets the prostitution activity is happening on. What is the description, clothing, time of activity ect... Is the activity happening inside of cars, alleyways ect... This is a quality of life issue that needs to be reported.

  7. The prostitution traffic on North Ave. is nightly, between Wood & Paulina, mainly. I frequently drop off packages at Fedex there about 2-3 a.m., and they are always out there, walking up & down that 2 block stretch. I used to use the bathroom while at Fedex, but quit because they tend to "clean-up" there...
    The police can do nothing if they keep moving, or they catch them in the act.

  8. No, the working girls are still there on North ave. Don't let those CAPS clowns tell you otherwise.....They even work right out in front of that very church your meeting at.

  9. Hi everyone, sorry I'm late on this post. To reply to the two posts inquiring about the North Ave. prostitution situation, all I know is that there are at least two pockets of where these street girls do their business at on North. One is between Springfield and Ridgeway, and the other one is between, I would say, Ashland and Leavitt. There are other spots west and east of these spots, but these are the two I know of for sure.

    As far as I know, North Ave. is the only street around here with the active prostitution problem. There might be spots on Armitage, on Western, and on Pulaski though, too.

  10. Anonymous 2:12, you are right that they do frequent that area.

    To answer another question a poster had, I don't know off-hand the clothing descriptions, but I do know the street girls frequent the public way along North Ave., and that they take their customers into the alleys and have sex with them either in cars or, just blunty, in the alleyway itself. From what I know, it starts around 7 or 8pm, then continues overnight into the early morning hours, around 5 or 6am.
