Monday, September 26, 2011

Gang Disturbance On Wabansia

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:39pm. It's another cloudy and rainy evening in Chi-town, as you all can see. It's supposed to be like this until the weekend, so I think there won't be too much going on in terms of crime, but we'll see. Anyway, as I said yesterday, I won't be here tomorrow. I have an event I need to attend right after school and that's not over until 8pm. I won't be home until about 8:45 and I'll be probably too tired to really do anything. Also, on Wednesday, I'm going to blog mainly only in the morning before I go to school, as my CAPS meeting is in the evening. With that, here's crime for tonight.

8:11pm - Gang disturbance. 38XX W Wabansia.

9:44pm - Some disturbance on 2524's Beat.

10:24pm - I have to go. I'll be back on Wednesday or Thursday. See you all then. Good night, everyone.


  1. I always hear the police going for lunch out of the district and sometimes out of the city. Cops eating out in Elmwood park? Isn't there enough places to eat here? I heard the Red Apple on Milwaukee started charging the police half price because of their threats to close them down. It's no wonder police service is so slow.

  2. No offense , but what is the point of putting 2 or 3 archives or posts up if that's only going to be it for the night, especially if it's minor offenses? I think its only worth it if its going to be more than that or an more than 2 hr archives. Of course someone here is going to say something against this, but its true . There's no point unless you got the time for it. But as usual someone is going to be against this comment. I just feel when you got the time , then jot down the crime. 2 or 3 posts isn't worth it. the point is take the time you need for yourself and when you got time, then post the crime. Remember fans read this blog daily for a reason , but when there's no reason " for 2 or 3 posts" then it becomes pointless . Just sayin and again no harm or no offense. Yes we know know you go to school. Make it a fri thru Sunday thing?

  3. at 749 its a free blog you want timmy to come and paint your house while hes at it

  4. Are you able to provide specific information about a certain address? There is a suspicious place, a rear apartment of he building on the SW corner of Belmont and Monticello. Pretty sure it's a gang house. Also, the first house on the west side, just south of the alleyway, on Monticello @ Belmont. Pretty sure it's a crackhouse. Always has random people going in and out. Usually has gang tags on the building - which I call to have removed.

  5. well cause it's his blog and he can blog as much or as little as he wants. it's not your blog.

  6. Why don't you start your own blog. Then you can make up the rules.

  7. Timmy, I turned my videotape of the prostit-
    ution activity over to the police. They basically laughed at me & told me to get a new hobby. I'm planning on going to the FBI with my evidence. I go to all my CAPS meetings because I really care.

  8. I think it's time Mary LaNett STFU. All you do is complain about cops on this blog. Why don't you complain about the cops on second city cop instead of here?

    Anon 749PM, Timmy is allowed to do what he wants since it his blog. Stop complaining about a free service.

  9. I love this blog so much. Please do not speak ill of Timmy. He helps my life. I want blog to stay.

  10. @749

    What is the point of making a comment like this on a Blog that nobody asks you to look at or charges you for free information whether it be a sentence of data or a whole page. You already knew the answer to your own question before you even asked so you post is pointless. Free service means you don't get to complain about it. It's like people that complain about FB.

  11. I agree with Kai,well said!!! Mary go to hell you old bat!

  12. Gee, writing comments to this blog is like waiting for a bunch of sharks ready for bait or to eat someone up! How amazing noone is allowed to have a opinion when there's a comment choice. Bunch of sharks on here! Who cares about the neighborhoods or community? People only care what others have to say and start a war of abusive comments! Nice ? Didn't people parents teach " If have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself"?

  13. I think it's time Mary LaNett STFU. All you do is complain about cops on this blog. Why don't you complain about the cops on second city cop instead of here?

    Wednesday, September 28, 2011 9:41:00 AM CDT

    because SCC flushes nonsense comments, whatever their nonsensical nature.
