Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Evidence Tech Dilemma On Avers, Foot Patrol On Milwaukee

Good morning, everyone, it's 9:44am. It's a beautiful morning, with temps currently in the 70s. Today will remain sunny. It will get warm, though, to around 90 degress. Tomorrow and Friday also. Anyway, I'm not feeling too well. I have yet another summer cold, I think. I'm aching all over and have the chills. I hope it goes away soon, because I have to work on a project in my area for the community, and I start school next week. With that, here's crime for today.

10:14am - Support unit request. 16XX N Avers. Evidence Tech wants a unit to go to the location to determine if the ET is needed to collect evidence from a burglary that occurred here.

10:19am - Beat 2582Foot is doing foot patrol on Milwaukee from Central Park to Belmont.

10:49am - Beat 2546 is on the Avers job, and says that some glass windows were removed from their spot by the burglar, but the victim put some of them back in their place. Therefore, the scene is contaiminated, and the ET most likely won't be able to collect any evidence.

11:25am - Alarm. 31XX N Monticello.

12:15pm - Person w/ a gun. 22XX N Lawndale.

12:54pm - Person wanted. 2924 N Central Park.

3:52pm - Request for a supervisor. 20XX N Lawndale. Caller is not happy with CPD service from yesterday.

4:33pm - 1) Burglar report. 23XX N Ridgeway. 2) Request for a supervisor. 28XX N Lawndale. Caller says an officer took their son's cell phone when they responded to a domestic at the location.

5:02pm - Beat car 2522 reports that the 4:33pm job on Lawndale is resolved. It's a domestic over some child custody.

5:16pm - Gang disturbance. Belmont and Ridgeway.

5:17pm - Parker. 25XX N Tripp. Brown car in the handicap spot.

5:36pm - Beat car 2524 needs a car with a working PDT to stop by on the 3600 block of W George. 2522 is right around the corner.

6:03pm - Parker. 25XX N Ridgeway. Handicap spot blocked.

6:16pm - Criminal damage in progress. 2121 N Keeler. 10 teens tagging in the Nixon school playground.

6:17pm - Loud music disturbance. 20XX N Hamlin.

6:29pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. Drunk man down, in his 50s.

6:48pm - Beat car 2534 has a traffic stop on the 3600 block of W Wabansia.

7:16pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:31pm - I'm back.

7:36 to 9:56pm - I was sick and was laying down in bed. I'll try to get an archive of this time period.

10:09pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 19XX N Ridgeway. There's some people looking for a cell phone, but they're in a gated area.

10:22pm - Disturbance. 16XX N Central Park. Group of people being loud and drinking.

10:23pm - Battery in progress. 23XX N Ridgeway. 10 males fighting in front. They're also smoking and drinking.

10:28pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:23pm job.

10:35pm - Gang disturbance. Armitage and Pulaski. Group loitering.

10:36pm - Beat car 2523Robert is on a traffic stop at Harding and Armitage. 2525R is there also.

10:37pm - Shots Fired. 2800 block of N Ridgeway. Four to five shots heard, and another call said six. Couple of calls coming in. Man, I'm getting tired of ducking for cover...

10:38pm - 2524 is on scene on Ridgeway, talking to a witness. The shooting was apparently on the corner of Diversey and Ridgeway. A black or brown minivan was involved. It went towards George.

10:48pm - Ridgeway is coded a 19P for now. No one's shot or anything, yet. Good response, officers :).

10:50pm - Loud music disturbance. 21XX N Lawndale.

11:16pm - Beat 2593 is getting a parker in their travels.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back in the morning, I think. Good night, everyone.


  1. Ever since one of those evidence techs got killed, those guys never go to a job by themselves. Uh, they do cary guns, don't they? What next, the canine guys will be scared too?

  2. Its probably because by themselves cops are cowards or fraidy cats scared of their own shadows. Years back we made a cop run away in fear.

  3. Shut the hell up Bobbo your a troll and a punk

  4. your an idiot rocker, you would piss your pants if you risked your life every day. dumbass

  5. Cops on "99" are always cautious. I would be too. How often are you alone, "Rocker?" Not often, I bet--you banger bitch.
