Sunday, August 7, 2011

Commercial Alarm On Hermitage

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. It's a pretty cloudy and warm morning outside. It's in the mid 70s right now. It's supposed to be cloudy most of the day, with storms possible, and warm. Anyway, I have an event to go to today, so I won't be here for a part of the day, but I will record 14 on my microphone while I'm gone. Then I'll be taking a nap. Lastly, I have no events again until Saturday, so I'll be home all week. With that, here's crime for today.

8:30am - Commercial alarm. 19XX N Hermitage.

9:19am - Burglar alarm. 3425 W Fullerton.

9:24am - Disturbance. 18XX N Milwaukee. Male throwing bottles off a balcony.

9:47am - Commercial alarm. 1725 N Damen.

9:48am - Parker. 30XX W Cortland.

9:49am - The 9:47am job just called back. They're wanting to cancel. But the police doesn't cancel.

9:55am - Criminal damage. 21XX N Point. Caller's car window was just broken out by two boys on bikes.

10:52am - Theft in progress. Cortland and Spaulding. Male Hispanic, brown pants, white t-shirt went into the kitchen of the church, stole something, and fled north towards Armitage on Spaulding.

10:58am - The 10:52am guy didn't steal anything, but was trespassing and gave the parishioners a hard time. He fled east on Armitage towards Sawyer

11:03am - Traffic accident. 2528 W Armitage.

11:06am -The 11:03am car was last seen heading east on Armitage towards Campbell. It's a turquoise Pravda with a plate of

11:08am - That Pravda comes back clear and valid.

11:27am - Commercial alarm. 16XX N Artesian.

11:43am - Burglar alarm. 2649 N Kedzie. At Logan Liquors.

11:45am - A disregard is being given on the 11:43am job. It was pressed accidentally. Beat car 1413 is on scene and will give it a code.

11:54am - Traffic accident. 22XX N Campbell. No injures.

12:17pm - Shots Fired. 24XX W Cortland. Several from the rear.

12:19pm - Commercial alarm. 18XX N Sawyer.

12:20pm - EMS run. 24XX W Altgeld. Caller has drunk too much and needs to go to the hospital.

12:27pm - Beat 1461David is taking one in from 1800 N Talman.

12:39pm - Person calling for help. 17XX N Humboldt.

12:44pm - Person w/ a gun. Wabansia and Oakley. 14 yr old boy had his money stolen and the person who did it has a gun.

12:50pm - Just so all you know, there is a battery victim at St. Mary's from an incident that occurred at Ridgeway and Wrightwood.

12:51pm - Commercial alarm. 1800 N Humboldt. At the children's place.

12:54pm - Disturbance. 2839 N Milwaukee. Customer refuses to leave.

1:03pm - Criminal trespass. 16XX N Fairfield. Squatters using the hallway to get high.

1:20pm - Disturbance. 35XX W Palmer. Problem with the neighbor, over a dog.

1:48pm - Attempted theft. Wabansia and Campbell. Male Hispanic, black shirt and black shorts, just attempted to steal the caller's bike. He's on a white girl's bike.

2:01pm - Theft. 3355 W Belmont. Male with a white t-shirt and blue jeans stole a yellow bike off the bike rack of the Belmont Blue Line stop.

3:20pm - Some call on the 2400 block of W Logan.

3:49pm - Reckless driver. Wolfram and Drake.

4:15 to 4:35pm - There were a few calls in the area, including one on the 3000 block of N Whipple.

5:06pm - Beat 1472 has a traffic stop at Dickens and Kimball.

5:18pm - Some call in the area.

5:29pm - EMS run. 29XX N Whipple.

5:35pm - Some call on the 1700 block of N Kedzie.

5:55pm - Suspicious person. 33XX W Diversey. Female Black came into the caller's apartment.

5:58pm - Shots Fired. Fletcher and Sacramento. Four to five heard.

6:44pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back a little later.

7:27pm - I'm back.
7:33 to 7:37pm - Had the radio off. I'm sorry.

7:48pm - Some call in the area. Forgot the details. Sorry.

7:55pm - Check the well being. 27XX W Logan. Male in one of the apartments is throwing things around.

8:24pm - Traffic accident. 2001 N Milwaukee. In the Walgreen's parking lot. Two cabs.

8:42pm - Theft. 34XX W Lyndale. Female inside refusing to pay for cab fare.

8:47pm - 1) Parker. On 1432's Beat. 2) Disturbance. 2901 W Armitage. Male Black with a white tanktop, sitting on a garbage bag, is aggressively panhandling in front of the Foodsmart.

8:54pm - 1) Disturbance. 2001 N California. Intoxicated guy laying in the building. 2) Gang disturbance. On 1422's Beat.

9:06pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Hoyne.

9:18pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Spaulding. Several vagrants sleeping near the Blue Line entrance stairs.

9:31pm - Some call in the area. Forgot the details. Sorry.

9:56pm - Loud music disturbance. 24XX W Homer.

9:57pm - A unit pulls an event number for gangs and drugs on Beat 1421. It's 18896.

10:01pm - Person calling for help. 28XX N Kedzie. Female screaming for help.

10:02pm - 1) The 10:01pm job is also coming in as a "battery in progress". 2) Burglary in progress. 30XX N Kimball. Two people, one a male White and one a female White, just broke into the garage.

10:05pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:01pm job. It's a big family fight but it's calming down now.

10:34pm - Traffic control. Belmont and Kedzie.

11:35pm - Battery in progress. 2300 W Fullerton. Two females fighting.

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