Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beat 2523 CAPS Meeting In July (7-27-11)

Good evening, everyone. The meeting in July had a good turn-out. So, moving on to the old issues from June and most of July:

* 2800 N. Ridgeway - 51 calls from service regarding a problem building on the block that resulted in eviction of some residents. Sgt. Weiglein also tells me there has been special attention to the block and that contact cards have been done on several occassions.
* 2900 N. Kenosha - Permit parking problems; NO calls for service for this or anything.

And now to the new problems:
* On Avers, there was a burglary
* Burglaries - 20 of them so far, have been done in the area of Diversey-Springfield-Milwaukee-Central Park.
* Your's truly brought up four new problems on Ridgeway.

Other observations:
> This meeting was not short, but it wasn't too long either. Lots of attendees were in good spirits and the meeting went orderly. Lots of discussions took place afterwards between residents of the community.
> A block club training session will be held in the 25th District on August 13th at 10:00am.
> The most incidents took place in the 3100 block of N Milwaukee. The most crimes were burglary (32 reported incidents), battery (31 reported incidents), and criminal damage (24 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Fridays and Sundays.

As I do in every Beat meeting post, I extend my thanks to all for being involved in this meeting. Once again, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! It only takes ONE hour of your time, and we need all of the help we can get.

Next meeting: September 28, 2011 at Copernicus Center (3160 N. Milwaukee) at 6:30PM.

Thank you,

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