Monday, July 18, 2011

Landlord Illegally Comes Into Apartment On Haussen

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:53pm. Today hasn't been too good for a day for me. Just a lot of personal problems I have to deal with. I'll be all right, though. Anyway, I'm attending the Avondale Neighborhood Association meeting this evening at 7pm at St. Hyacinth's. We'll see how that goes. Then, on Thursday, I'll be attending a burglary prevention seminar in the 25th District at 6:30pm. Hopefully that goes well. Lastly, it's going to be a scorcher this week. We're talking upper 90s, possibly lower 100s. So I recommend that if you can, stay indoors and stay cool, and if you have to be outside, drink lots of fluids. So, with that, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:02pm - Criminal trespass. 30XX N Davlin. Landlord illegally came into the apartment. Caller's on her way home but has the 15 yr old daughter at home.

6:00pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:16pm - I'm back until 6:50pm.

6:21pm - Battery in progress. 28XX N Kenneth. Kids fighting.

6:41pm - Gang disturbance. On 2525's Beat.

6:50pm - I'm going to go to this meeting. I'll be back later.

8:33pm - I'm back. Good evening.

8:53pm - Burglar alarm. 18XX N Lawndale.

9:01pm - Suspicious vehicle. Fullerton and Central Park. Three males in a red pick-up truck touched the caller's daughter.

9:33pm - Beat car 2535 has an open hydrant at Karlov and Palmer.

9:38pm - Battery. 22XX N Keystone.

9:50-ish pm - Some call at Palmer and Kedvale.

10:52pm - ALL units on the Zone are to respond to Jackson and Karlov, in the 11th District. Two police officers have been shot and there's a full-fledged riot in progress. All Chicago Police must respond to the scene from the sound of things. So I think it's safe to say if you call for anything tonight, do not except a police response at all. I have a feeling the units will be over there for a few hours. All of this happened around 10:45.

11:12pm - Beat car 2523Robert has a traffic stop at Karlov and George.

11:17pm - Here's what I'm collecting from the incident in 11. They've got more than 200 units over there from all over the city handling this. They're searching vacant houses on the 4100 block of W Jackson, yards, you name it. There's a command post set up, a crime scene, etc. So far, the units in 25 are being told they can stay in the District. As for 15, whatever units that are on scene must stay there, but any units not on scene can stay in the District. Also, a few units are getting released every so often. I currently do not have a condition on the two POs shot, but will try to obtain it as soon as I can.

11:24pm - Two things. One, ANY possibles that are caught are to be taken into Area 5 and MUST NOT be allowed to wash their hands and two, the description of the offender is as follows: Male Black, 5 foot 8 (5'8), black hat, black shirt and tan shorts. He was last seen heading north on Pulaski, then west on Adams.

11:26pm - K-9 is on scene over there.

11:27pm - 1) Parker. 41XX W Wellington. 2) Check the well being. 28XX N Hamlin. 3) Disturbance. 20XX N Avers. Six males in front, loitering.

11:29pm - I'm turning off Zone 12 now, and will stay up a bit longer to monitor Zone 10.

11:45pm - They're calling for units from other Districts to handle calls in 11. Some units in 12 will be responding to calls in 11, and a couple of units in 13 will be doing the same. They may end up calling for a couple of units from 14 sooner or later.

11:57pm - Ok, here's the latest I'm hearing. All the units assigned to the shooting are to switch over to Citywide 6 (a radio frequency; email me if you want the frequency). Beat 1190 is giving out orders that there is to be NO car/foot traffic in the area of Madison to the north, Keeler to the west, Gladys to the south and Pulaski to the east. If cars and people do come through, they're to have a contact card done on them. There's officers to be at EVERY intersection in that area.

12:00am - Ok, folks, I'm going to leave my scanner on tonight and will record everything happening on Citywide 6. I'll have all of this info up in a separate post by tomorrow evening. So with said, good night, everyone.


  1. Anything else regarding the police officers shot?

  2. They don't want them washing their hands because they will test for GSR or gun shot residue. Why shouldn't the rest of the city receive police response? I called 911 in the 23 District to get the usual bums off my property and they never came.

  3. Anonymous, I have no information on this as of now, but will continue to listen in.

    americanlt, your lack of response up in 23 has nothing to do with this. They haven't called for units in 23 to respond yet. They're only asking for units in 10, 11, 12 and 15 to respond.

  4. For those who think that the police don't earn their pay...imagine that this is your evening at work. Non life threatening injuries sustained by both PO's!

    G Mac on scene
    2345: going in with witnesses
    2346: offender shirt found in alley
    2346 Karlov and wilcox, Sgt calls
    for additional cars(6 2 man units)

    2346 4110 W Jackson in Alley,canine given shirt for scent

    HT-404197 RD NUMBeR

    2348 possible offenders taken into
    area 4

    2349: keeler and jackson with a possible offender

    2350: 4 block perimeter established
    2351: Intense saturation on the Wilcox address. wilcox and larlov appears to be the epicenter

    1163 brings 2 more possible offenders into the area.

    2352: 4 block perimeter established
    in the wilcox and karlov area
    Order given to contact card all trying to leave.

    2354: Traffic closed at madison and pulaski

    2355: Zone advises all units to switch to citywide due to backlog

    2357: 1135R brings 2 more into the area for questioning.


    PH-2 on scene.

    moved to CW-6

    2359: cmmd post ia karlov and jackson.

    0001: 010 cars called to karlov/jackson

    0001.30: More shots fired at the police.

    0002: 4110 w jackson,broken window into the building found waiting further units to search.

    0003: sort called to 4110 Jackson
    0006: offenders ran into building a grey stone 2 flat,per the anonymous caller.
    0007:more cars called to wilcox to secure suspect buildings
    0008: more to come
    July 19, 2011 12:09 AM
    Anonymous ...
    (as reported from the scene)
    (You owe me shaved)

    0010: Condition of PO unknown,

    0010.43 tact teams switch to 800 secure(I can hear but legally cannot disseminate this info here)

    0010. offender description rebroadcast

    0014: vacant apt search 4032 w adams.unit unidentified
    0017:shirt found 4110 w Jackson(corrected from previous)

    :0020 offender description re read
    0021: 1014 takes one into A/4
    (possible offender)

    July 19, 2011 12:23 AM

    0024: 5405 calls for canine for karlov and adams.

    0025: offender description rebroadcast.

    0030: 42 calls for forensics to come to the command van.

    0031: 5410 calls for crime lab to karlov and adams

    0034: offender descript. Rebroadcast
    HT 440197

    0036: car 42 is asked to specify locations for use of crime labs

    July 19, 2011 12:39 AM
    Anonymous Ret.012 said...
    Oh yeah! Retired a while ago but this reminds me of my early days in the 70's when Ogden ave,Roosevelt Rd, Madison, etc.were rockin and rollin'.

    Please be careful troops. Keep kicking ass!
    July 19, 2011 12:45 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    more 0040: officers with rifles requested at Karlov and Adams

    0041: rebroadcast of offender desc

    0043:person shot in leg dropped off at sinai. Walter Grady is person who dropped off person shot. (5000 block of w washington)

    0044: a/4 gang teamed called to come to adams and karlov

    0044: a/5 gang team called to adams and karlov

    0046: 4037 West wilcox identified as a crime scene

    0049: 2 people shot at sacred heart one of the people matches description of police shooter(tan pants)

    0050 : another crime scene found 3500 w walnut

    200472(all call message)

    0100: More
    July 19, 2011 1:01 AM
    As of 1:20 am offender still at large
    July 19, 2011 1:22 AM
    Anonymous .
    0100: continuing

    0101: 4221 W Gladys,dicks called to
    this location in the alley

    0102: 5490 is taking someone into the
    area(possible offender)

    0103: 1363E going in with possible

  5. That's nuts!! They call all those districts and units to respond because 2 officers are shot, but when a regular person (kid or adult) gets shot, we don't get all that type of help from other districts ? We want the same help too to catch the people who shoot too! How is it only police get help like that? Us civilians are human too ! Serve and to protect my butt ! I remember calling the police because a woman was getting beat up by her boyF and those police took forever! By the time they came , there was blood, the girls face was beat up and damage to property. If it was a police officer getting beat up, I bet they would fly for that!

  6. RE:That's nuts!! They call all those districts and units to respond because 2 officers are shot, but when a regular person (kid or adult) gets shot, we don't get all that type of help from other districts ? We want the same help too to catch the people who shoot too! How is it only police get help like that? Us civilians are human too ! Serve and to protect my butt ! I remember calling the police because a woman was getting beat up by her boyF and those police took forever! By the time they came , there was blood, the girls face was beat up and damage to property. If it was a police officer getting beat up, I bet they would fly for that!
    You're the biggest asshole on the face of the planet! It's not just about two officers getting shot, it's about the fact that if they have no respect for the officers responding to a call and will fire at them, do you think that you are safe? Asshole, when did you ever get shot at doing your job? You think that the police don't respond quickly enough for you, then get your ass of the couch and go be the police and come back when you have some idea what the heck you are talking about you moron!

  7. @ 10:34 your the asshole because you don't know where I coming from ! My point that I was making the I wish the response was the same for civilians ! Before you start to call people names you don't know crap of what I went through alright!! I didn't get shot but I did get a gun pulled in my face and got robbed in 14 district I'm not affiliated with no gang I'm against gangs. It was 5 gangbangers the ambushed me and got punch on the side of my face for Nothing ! I called the police and they didn't do anything ! They pulled up and asked if I had weapons ?! I told them those gangbangers robbed me and my military ID ! Yes I served for my country by the way "asshole" ! So before you jump the gun and start talkin and judging shut ur mouth and think before you speak! I don't sit my self on the couch ! I worked really hard and was an EMT . I'm proud of what a Chicago police do for us but there are some bad apples in the police force and unfortunately I came across some of them.. I'm not against the police but I do have my opinions because of experiences with them! So now who's the "asshole" taking stuff out of context ?!

  8. @ 10:34 your the asshole because you don't know where I coming from ! My point that I was making the I wish the response was the same for civilians ! Before you start to call people names you don't know crap of what I went through alright!! I didn't get shot but I did get a gun pulled in my face and got robbed in 14 district I'm not affiliated with no gang I'm against gangs. It was 5 gangbangers the ambushed me and got punch on the side of my face for Nothing ! I called the police and they didn't do anything ! They pulled up and asked if I had weapons ?! I told them those gangbangers robbed me and my military ID ! Yes I served for my country by the way "asshole" ! So before you jump the gun and start talkin and judging shut ur mouth and think before you speak! I don't sit my self on the couch ! I worked really hard and was an EMT . I'm proud of what a Chicago police do for us but there are some bad apples in the police force and unfortunately I came across some of them.. I'm not against the police but I do have my opinions because of experiences with them! So now who's the "asshole" taking stuff out of context ?!

    You are a pussy! If you served time in the military G.I. Joe, then why don't you carry a piece? You could have shot those gangbangers instead of giving up your stuff like a little bitch. Somehow I doubt the State would go out of their way to prosecute you for defending yourself. We know where you are coming from, you are a PUSSY that has to cry about police service. That's your right, but to use the example of a police shooting to get on your soapbox to make your point exhibits just what kind of loser you are. It's no wonder are current military is in shambles. We've had wimps like you defending us.

  9. @ perry glad I dont a person like you coldhearted bastard ! At least I joined to protect my country ! Fuck you why don't you get ur ass up and serve for us and be a asshole and shoot everyone who's a pussy to you ignorant fuck! You're probably a lonely little pussy yourself ! I know what I've done for my people my country and everyone likes me and what I do ! I have accomplished alot to let a fuckin pussy like you get to me ! You just want to talk shit that's all and be an ass! I could careless what you think about my opinions.. Everyone as that right! And a person like you ridiculing or getting all tough guy with it! All I got to say is fuck you , pathetic asshole ! Calling me a pussy when I did my service and still do ! Damn assholes on the blog and assholes in the field ! Their everywhere huh!
