Sunday, July 24, 2011

On-View Disturbance At The Kennedy And Belmont

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. It's currently cloudy out, temps in the 70s, with some thunder and lighting in the area. We're not getting any storms at this time, though, so that's all good. Today will be another hot one, being in the 90s. Anyway, I'm monitoring 17 now until the first call comes out, then I'll do some other stuff and go to bed until about 8 or 9am, which then I'll monitor 17 again until 11:21am. After that, I'll be covering 25 all day. That's all I have to say for now, so here's crime for today.

12:20am - Beat car 1732Robert has an on-view disturbance at the Kennedy and Belmont. 1730R is with them.

12:21am - I'm gone for the night. I'll see all you tomorrow. Good night, everyone.

8:15am - I'm back. Good morning, everyone.

11:21am - And I'm back with 25.

1:01pm - Assault in progress. 37XX W George. Multiple calls. Landlord VS tenant.

1:02pm - Backlog in 25 at 13:02 hours.

1:21pm - Open door. 2935 N Ridgeway. Front door open to the vacant building.

1:34pm - Beat 2582Foot has a downed wire at George and Lawndale.

2:11pm - 1) Some call on the 1900 block of N Ridgeway. 2) Recover the stolen vehicle. Central Park and Altgeld.

3:32pm - Disturbance. Schubert and Avers.

5:10pm - Battery in progress. 28XX N Springfield. Group of four fighting, throwing trash cans.

5:26pm - Narcotics. 36XX W Dickens. Selling.

5:29pm - Open hydrant. Diversey and Avers.

5:42pm - Person w/ a gun. Kilbourn and Wrightwood. Male by the park ran into the park with a handgun.

5:45pm - Parkers on the 4100 blocks of W Nelson and Barry.

5:48pm - Beat car 2521, the responding unit to the 5:42pm job, says that the guy ran north towards Schubert.

6:13pm - Municipal ordinance violation. 41XX W Fletcher. Guy working on a car in the street.

6:52pm - Gang disturbance. Schubert and Kilbourn. Large group in the park.

6:55pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:07pm - I'm back.

7:08pm - Gang disturbance. Kilbourn and Deming.

7:42pm - Some call at 4114 W Armitage.

8:23pm - Disturbance. 4012 W Armitage. Loitering going on in front.

8:38pm - Suspicious person. 37XX W Shakespeare.

10:02pm - Assault in progress. 29XX N Springfield. 15 males yelling at each other in the middle of the street.

10:35pm - Disturbance. 25XX N Pulaski. In the alley.

10:38pm - They're calling back on the 10:02pm ordeal.

10:40pm - Beat car 2524 is getting some stuff on the PDT.

11:11pm - I have to go. I'll be back in the morning with 14. See you all then. Good night.

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