Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Shooting in 17

0748 Shooting in Avondale Park, 3516 W School. Shots fired behind the field house from a purple van, good condition, no dents. Victims are two female children, ages 3 and 5, shot in the back of the head and in the back. Witnesses report a partial plate of King88****. Both children alive at the time of transport.

This is thought to be a gang-related shooting.

Vehicle found at 2800 N Francisco after it reportedly fled on the Kennedy, exited on California.

One suspect in custody seen running from the van while near the park. ~ProdigalOne


Shift change, 2:00pm - Timmy here. I would just like to put all the links up to the media stories that have been published in regards to this shooting, and I'd like to give the reaction of commenters who were there. I will have my opinion on this shooting in a later post. Chicago News Report, Chicago Breaking News, NBC 5, ABC 7, WGN 9, CBS 2, FOX 32, and the Chicago Sun-Times all have stories on this shooting.

5:13pm - This just in. The 17th District is holding an "Outdoor Roll Call" TODAY, at 6:00pm, at the park. Join the police, Alderman Colon, the Commander Melissa Staples, other elected officials and of course, the community. I recommend ALL to attend this roll call.


  1. just saw this on channel 5 news. wtf.....

  2. The new mayor needs to bring in a shoot-to-kill policy against all gangbangers. They are vermin who need to be exterminated. Let the police run wild on these cowardly scumbags.

    Can't wait to get out of this neighborhood.

  3. The gangbangers and thugs are just becoming more and more brazen. This shooting occurred while the Police were inside the park district building conducting a beat meeting. Apparently the 2 yr old girl was grazed in the head and the other child was shot int he back but both are stable. We need to take our neighborhoods back!

  4. Those gang bangers do not have a heart and certainly do not care about anyones life. I can't believe they pulled a gun in a park that kids are playing and having fun. Those are our innocent children that do not know about violence but happiness.
    Gange bangers are just a whole bunch of loosers taking space on this beautiful planet. They should be exterminated or sent to the US wars, since they believe they have enough balls.
    I'm glad people is cooperating on this case and hopefully those loosers and pain on the ... will be behind bars.

  5. Gang Bangers up here stoop to a new low. Find these uneducated dirtbags and beat the shit out of them. then lock them up. better yet.......send them to Afghanistan and let them die there. people who shoot children don't deserve anything in life. this is utter bullshit. a pure sign of human waste.

  6. Terrible. The people who got hit with bullets were little children. I think one was 3 and the other 5. I was on my way home when I saw they had part of my street blocked with cop cars, ambulance and a fire truck. I didn't see the shooting but my neighbors filled me in when I walked over to the park. I hope they find the shooters and lock them up for a real long time.

  7. Yesterday, got off the L and saw police covering up the body of a pedestrian killed in a hit and run on Kedzie. Then I get home and see cops on Francisco; had no idea it was connected with the shooting in Avondale Park. Nothing good comes of warm weather in Chicago.

  8. I would also like to say that if the gang bangers are teenagers , their parents should also be held accountable for raising dangerous thugs. WTF! If you are kid is registered in Avondales's sports programs you have to PAY to park by the park, but you also run the risk of having your kid being shot on the playground??!! Where is the alderman on this issue? Why haven't I seen his ass in the news???

  9. That's a pretty quiet neighborhood around there. The thugs usually hang around south of Diversey.

  10. I know it is really, really, really, really hard to hold back the anger that we are faced with when something like this happens. In the privacy of our homes, and with loved ones that know our intentions it is important to vent, and process this anger, but in a public forum, even one that wont be seen by the recipients of the anger, I strongly feel that it is important to find constructive ways to create impact, rather than just spew negativity and hatred.

    Gangs exist because of long standing, cultural and psychological structures that have opressed and marginalized their members. You see very few priviledged, white kids running around in gangs. It is a well documented, and researched notion that the kind of posts I see preceeding mine now are only going to reaffirm the negative stereotypes and (I'll say it) racist/prejudist attitudes that created gangs in the first place.

    I know this will get a lot of backlash, and don't misunderstand me and think that I want to coddle the gangbangers, or forgive them, or that I do not care about these poor innocent children that were hurt yesterday. I care SO MUCH, which is why I choose to put my anger aside and take this viewpoint. We are taking the easy way out to think that only the parents of these particular gangbangers are to blame. WE ALL have played a part in creating the world in which we live.

    And so, we may not be able to reform these men, who are senseless, and violent, and surely self-loathing and feeling hopeless. But what about the children that we can PREVENT from becoming gang members in the coming years? What if we could make gangs go extinct?? If we want to see this as a reality, we need to take responsibility NOW. We need to nurture our neighborhoods, and our schools, our children and our communities. We need to organize and clean up the streets. We need to fund literacy and education initiatives. We need to plant urban gardens and TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO USE THEM. We need to share books, and knowledge and POWER. If an individual feels powerful over their own life (their ability to become educated, get a job, make money, eat healthy food, be heard, be valued, have impact, etc.) then they will not have any reason to ever think about finding power in violence.

    Again, it is taking the EASY, EASY, EASY way out to say that this is bc of bad policing, or the Alderman, or the City gov. This is because as a society, as a Country, we have failed to create a place where we have equal opportunity, equal value within sociey and equal opportunity to see value within ourselves.

    These individuals have made the choice to partake in violence, which is their easy way out. They have given up the opportunity to love themselves, and hopefully, to their freedom. They ABSOLULTELY should be punished. They have made dispicable choices, and they have disgusted us all with their actions. But I warn you, do not feed the next generation of gangbangers with your hatred. NOW is the time to make a better future. It is up to YOU.

  11. to the guy that asked about the alderman, they dont care until election time and if you work, pay taxes and care about the community you live in then your more of a nusiance to the alderman because you are hoping for some form of quality of life, when i walk by my aldermans office and it is tagged you just got wonder what they do, maybe they will organize another march those really work, much better than letting the cops do what they neeed to.

  12. at 6:28 pm, what liberal crap, my quess is one day you will be a victim of a crime and then want some results and its up to You as you say, its up to their parents to raise kids that know from right and wrong not the average citizen who works and pays taxes..

  13. at 6:28 your right lets make some changes now, maybe we can help the gang banger that shot those little girls get his life back on track, after all he was probably an honor student, put him through college and give him housing because it is society's fault that people gang bang as you imply

  14. Great to see a lot of the neighbors show up for the roll call yesterday. Escalante announced that they had all the suspects in custody. Yay for the police!

  15. at 6:28 post - The only way to stop the gangbangers is somehow get them and their parents responsible enough to stay in school and excel and WORK hard at it. Everyone here can got to grade school and high school, work hard and get a damn education. These gangbangers and their parents are the epitome of laziness and irresponsibility. They trash their neighborhoods and act like animals. They need to take responsibility for their lives and the lives of their children and get an education. Running around the streets in beat up cars with guns and drugs at age 16 to 25 is just worthless. Stop the "we need to help them". They need to learn a hard work ethic and get educated. It starts at home. Kids who excel in life have a strong parent base who are responsible and the kids learn to stay in school and get an education. Laziness is a disease. Poor, rich or middle of the road. Everyone can work at getting good educations. This gang shit here on the northwest side is just sick. Worthless shit. The city and government can throw all the entitlement programs at these people to stimulate educations and whatnot but it comes down to the individual drive of the teen and the parent(s) of the teen. Laziness and lack of work ethic seems to hover and follow these gangbangers everywhere.

  16. Good article

    Ends with this

    McCarthy returned to his battle analogy when the discussion turned to the shooting of two girls — ages 2 and 7 — on Wednesday night on a Northwest Side playlot. The 2-year-old was grazed in the head, and the 7-year-old has a serious back wound. Two men were being held for questioning in the shooting, which apparently was targeting gang members nearby. McCarthy said the department must send a message to the Maniac Latin Disciples, who are thought to be responsible.

    “We’re going to obliterate that gang,” he said. “Every one of their locations has to get blown up until they cease to exist.”

  17. This is to the anonymous poster that was dismissed as a "liberal". I just wanted to say that I see where you are coming from. I agree that we are all accountable for what happens in this world because we are all so interconnected. I do disagree that "If an individual feels powerful over their own life (their ability to become educated, get a job, make money, eat healthy food, be heard, be valued, have impact, etc.) then they will not have any reason to ever think about finding power in violence."
    I think this is a bit too simplistic. It's not always this way. But I see where you are coming from and appreciate your viewpoint and compassion. I dont think it is helpful for us to dehumanize the criminals. It just doesnt help to do so, although it may be a natural reaction. We need to be pragmatic. And hatred really doesnt help. Understanding does, I think this was the writers point and I agree.

  18. @ Jeff Lundifla re: "send them to Afghanistan" - not sure if you were just ranting, but I don't see anything wrong w/this plan, thought the same thing about a year ago.

    To liberal Anonymous - These people do what they do because they are LAZY. Yeah, they have it hard, a lot of people do, and are able to get out of it w/hard WORK. This liberal "it's not their fault" attitude will just perpetuate this behavior. We need to hold people accountable for their actions. And that includes their parents. If you can't raise a kid that won't turn into a violent POS, DON'T HAVE A KID!

    End of rant.
