Sunday, June 12, 2011

Loud Music On Keystone; 20 Sector Disturbances

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. It's pretty clear out, but cold for this time of year. It's in the 50s. It's supposed to warm up today into the upper 60s and we're supposed to have sunshine, so that's good. Anyway, as I said yesterday, my 18th birthday is on Tuesday, so I won't have a blog post that day. Not sure what else to say, so here's crime for today.

12:02am - 1) Loud music disturbance. 21XX N Keystone. Loud party. 2) Some calls on the 20 sector.

12:03am - I'm gone for the night. I'll see you all in the morning. Good night, everyone.

10:00am - I'm back. Good morning.

10:34am - Municipal ordinance violation. Schubert and Springfield. Three illegal vendors selling stuff in the park by the playground.

10:43am - Request for a TAC sergeant at 31XX N Lawndale.

10:44am - Some call in the area.

12:06pm - Traffic accident. 29XX N Springfield.

12:33pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 12:06pm job. It's HT343456 with the event number of 08202.

1:12pm - There was a call in our area, but alas, I forgot the details and where it was.

1:13pm - Suspicious vehicle. 2414 N Harding. In the cul-de-sac.

1:14pm - DUI driver. 29XX N Lawndale. Drunk driver hit the caller's Toyota.

2:09pm - Backlog in 25 at 14:09 hours.

3:14pm - Some call at 26XX N Springfield.

4:25pm - Theft. 3914 W North Ave. Male stole something from the caller. Caller is chasing the offender towards Lemoyne on Harding.

4:30pm - Criminal trespass. 36XX W Shakespeare.

4:51pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. 23XX N Harding. 2) Municipal ordinance violation. Parker and Kilbourn. 3) Narcotics. 21XX N Lawndale. 4) Disturbance. 4142 W Wellington. 5) Burglar alarm. 4200 W Wrightwood.

5:01pm - Battery. 21XX N Hamlin. Male punched the caller in the face.

5:54pm - Traffic accident. Central Park and Armitage.

6:39pm - I've got some other stuff to do, so I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. The mayor and chief of police are in Logan Square this morning to detail how they are going to address the scumbag gang shit going on in avondale and Logan square. the lazy, uneducated gangbanger and criminal trash that have trouble reading at a first grade level are going to get kicked in the ass and thrown away. good to see the new administration taking a proactive move. no city needs these types in their neighborhoods. get an education and stop the laziness. work work work.

  2. Saw the Mayor and PChief at the Farmer's Market. It was after their comments. Anyone hear what they had to say? I walked past a reporter interviewing a man at the market, asking "Do you fear crime as a resident of Humboldt Park?" LOL--most of these reporters live in Lincoln Park or the Loop. They have no idea.

  3. No offense to the person who does this blog, but is there another blog where they show the whole days worth of scan reports? I like to see what goes on at different hours of the day to see what goes on in the area I live in. Reading blogs like this help me know where and when it's safe to be and where to avoid going. I like this blog but I wish to see what goes on in the evenings too.

  4. The gangbangers are here to stay. You'll never rid the area of them. As long as folks need drugs, the gangs will sell.

  5. I see pissbum park on Monticello just north of Milwaukee is open again.

  6. Unfortunately, scanning around the clock would take quite a large number of participants. We get our information by actually listening to the transmissions as they happen, or through archival tapes, and its not the sort of thing you can do very well while doing other things. Others have tried it, but few succeed. This kind of blogging is a daunting task, and Tim is to be commended for his dedication to it.

    Although not by the hour, the ClearMap system gives a very good indication of where and how much crime occurs around the city. It is very helpful for anyone who wants to know what crime looks like in any area or address. (
    Hope this helps supply the information you need.

  7. Saw on the news today that Avondale is adding more officers. I believe this is a direct result of your blog and community involvement, Timmy - you've made a difference and you should be very proud of yourself!

  8. Martino, I agree, it is very good to see the new administration take proactive steps. It's very different than when Daley was in office.

    Anonymous 9:47, LOL. That's pretty funny to hear.

    Anonymous 10:32, as much as I'd like to blog 24/7, I do have other things I am committed to. And sometimes the evening hours are the only time I can do these things. I'd also like to enjoy some time away from this blog once in a while. It gets stressful after a while. But I do have good news, and that is that I will be beginning to blog more in the evening hours as the regular school year ends for me this week, especially in late July and much of August. And, as you may know, I have added on hours of my blogging schedule from now until September.

    bobbo, must you be so negative? We will get rid of them, it just takes time. If other neighborhoods can get rid of them, we can too.

    Anonymous 7:09, I've noticed the same thing.

    ProdigalOne, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for ALL of the help you've provided me in the last few months with doing this blog. Doing this blog has never been easy, but with your help, it has been a little easier for me. Having said that, I totally agree with your statements here. It would take a group of us to do what us two do around the clock. And yes, doing this blog can be a daunting task, but I feel that it is worth it in the end.

    Anonymous 5:32, thanks! Not to brag, but I actually am proud of myself. Just remember, it's for all of you to be informed and to be safe.

    Underground, thank you for the comment, and thank you for suggesting that I get an award from the 14th District. I have actually received an award from the 25th District before (at a 2523 CAPS Beat meeting in September of 2010). But it would be nice to receive an award from the 14th District.
