Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hydrant Parkers In The Area

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:47am. It's a pretty cloudy day, in the upper 60s. It's supposed to storm yet again with temps in the upper 70s. Anyway, I have no community meetings this week, but I do have two related-school events I will be attending. I will be attending a meeting Wednesday evening regarding choices for our new principal, and then the school's graduation is on Friday, so I'll be helping out with that. But I'll be glad when this week is over, because this is finals week. I'll be taking two tests on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. Preparations for the tests are tomorrow. I may not go to school on Thursday because I don't have any finals to take that day. I'll be monitoring 14 in that time period. On that note, here's crime for today.

9:20am - Parker. 1802 N Harding. Car on the hydrant.

9:21am - 1) Parker. 2736 N Ridgeway. Car on the hydrant. 2) Car alarm. 3000 N Kenneth.

9:45am - Municipal ordinance violation. Lawndale and Wolfram. Owners of two dogs in the area aren't walking them with their leashes on.

10:55am - Beat 1465 needs an assist at Fullerton and Avers with a suicidal woman. 2522 is going to assist.

11:20am - 1) Municipal ordinance violation. Schubert and Springfield. Food being sold illegally. 2) Municipal ordinance violation. 24XX N Harding. Car being worked on as it's parked on the hydrant.

11:31am - A unit needs a Spanish speaker at 25XX N Avers.

11:34am - Burglar alarm. 2814 N Tripp.

11:37am - Person calling for help. Wabansia and Monticello. People screaming for help in a building.

12:15pm - Disturbance. 16X3 N Lawndale. Drinkers in the alley.

12:39pm - Reckless driver. Fullerton and Pulaski. Car speeding east towards Springfield on Fullerton.

2:40pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Hamlin. Man passed out on the sidewalk.

2:43pm - They're calling back at Springfield and Schubert regarding that municipal ordinance violation.

4:13pm - Vice complaint. 29XX N Ridgeway. Drinkers in the alley, blocking it up.

4:31pm - Disturbance. 2979 N Ridgeway. Drinkers behind the location.

4:40pm - EMS run. 2952 N Ridgeway. Male down.

4:57pm - 1) Person calling for help. 3126 N Davlin. Female screaming for help on the 3rd floor. 2) Battery in progress. Barry and Lawndale. Several males fighting with bottles.

5:00pm - Person w/ a gun. Belmont and Milwaukee. Blue car heading north towards Springfield on Milwaukee has a gun in it.

5:26pm - Gang disturbance. Monticello and Belmont. Group loitering, throwing bottles and driving in a sliver car around the area.

5:41pm - Battery in progress. 2400 N Central Park. Two males fighting.

5:42pm - A sliver Sudan is involved in the 5:41pm job. Last seen heading south towards Belden in the west alley of Central Park.

5:59pm - Beat car 2523 has a traffic stop at 4042 on Armitage.

6:29pm - Gang disturbance. Kilbourn and Diversey.

6:30pm - Beat 2599 is coding out the 6:29pm job. He's stopped at the light now and sees nothing. Coded 5Boy.

6:38pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:58pm - I'm back.

7:32pm - Beat 2573 reports that there's some activity in the vacant building at 2979 on Ridgeway again.

8:44pm - Gang disturbance. Parker and Kilbourn. Fifteenth of them throwing up signs.

8:45pm - 1) Animal bite. 2315 N Springfield. 2) Parker. On 2523's Beat.

9:30pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. See you all then. Have a good night, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. warm weather brings out the worst in most people, so sad that summer creates so much violence.
