Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Confused Man Found In Kelvyn Park

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:20pm. Another beautiful day outside. Temps are in the upper 70s with lots of sunshine. It'll be nice out tonight through tomorrow, too, so that's a good thing. Anyway, I'm tired out. My class went to Brookfield Zoo today and I have to say, it was a really good trip. I enjoyed it. My class has another trip tomorrow, to the Chicago Bontiac Gardens, but I won't be able to go. I've been asked by my principal to be one of the people to work the Freshmen Connection fair. I'll be giving possible incoming freshmen information and probably tours around the school. That should be good. Also, before I forgot, but there was a shooting on Wabansia yesterday in the coverage area. You can read the link I've given for more information. So, on that note, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:07pm - Check the well being. Wrightwood/Kilbourn. Elderly gentleman found in park confused. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

4:27pm - Battery in progress. 21XX N Lawndale. Male Black, 25-30 y.o. dark complexion, skinny build, choking and beating on a Puerto Rican girl with a dark complexion and red cubs shirt. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

4:46pm - Gang disturbance. 27XX N Lawndale. Eight of them in front throwing up signs and throwing bottles.

5:00pm - 1) Robbery. 4112 W Armitage. Male Hispanic last seen in a white truck held up the store. 2) Disturbance. 4339 W Belmont. 3) Assault. 43XX W Schubert.

5:07pm - Disturbance. Fullerton and Harding.

6:10pm - Criminal trespass. 3802 W Altgeld. In the vacant building.

6:55pm - Disturbance. 3121 N Milwaukee. At the Red Apple. Intoxicated male refusing to pay his bill.

7:51pm - Gang disturbance. 39XX W Wellington. Gangbanger on bicycle, white shorts, plaid shirt. No further info. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

8:30pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 28XX N Ridgeway. A man, possibly a mental, is dancing naked in front of window. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

9:25pm - Battery in progress. Ken-Well Park. People fighting.

9:32pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. Timmy--You missed two shootings that occurred on Tuesday, May 31 at around 3:00 PM on Wabansia between Harding and Hamlin in Logan Square [not sure why this was reported as Hermosa and Humboldt Park area]. Please post so that these incidents don't disappear without some public notice or, even better, outrage. Also seems like the conflicting reports are superficial at best. Can we get some responsible, intelligent coverage of violence in this area? The shootings occurred as many high school students were walking home and it's a miracle that no one else was wounded.

    Chicago News Report / Every Block Chicago
    "Teen shot on NW Side; car with mother and children, shot up"



    Thanks for your hard work Timmy.

  2. Anonymous, I did not turn on my scanner until a little before 5 that day, but I heard about them through the media and linked readers to the Chicago News Report article for more information on the incident. I will be not be covering this incident because this didn't occur right in my coverage area. Yes, I do cover Wabansia, but only on the scanner. Whenever shootings occurr or anything like that I usually do not make posts unless they're in Avondale or Logan Square, or unless it involves a police officer. The reason why I do that is because many people in that area probably don't care. I have heard that no citizens attend any community meetings in that area, and most seem like they don't want to become involved. I'll make mention of it in my post today, though.

  3. Thanks for your response! Please don't underestimate the citizens of this area. There are many of us who do care and who follow your blog (even if we aren't within the boundaries of your coverage). Part of your blog's value is as an archive of neighborhood violence. The breaking news headlines quickly disappear, but you provide an ongoing record and a forum for discussion. Just thought this event shouldn't go unmentioned.
