Friday, June 17, 2011

Damaged Car On Ridgeway

Good morning, everyone, it's 5:04am. It's nice out right now. No clouds in the sky and it's in the low 60s. Today will be sunny and it will approach 80 degrees. Anyway, I'm heading to school this morning for the last day of the regular school year. The school bus isn't picking me up this morning, so I must get on the CTA to school. Then, after school, which is done by 9am, I'm heading Downtown for about an hour or two to enjoy my day, and then I'll be back here. Just so all of you are advised, I probably won't be back until around noon, but I will have my headset plugged up to record the scanner while I'm gone. Also, regarding the last day of school, don't be surprised if there's calls here for fights and what not at the schools. Kids like to kick things off on the last day, usually. Lastly, tomorrow, I have a block club training session in 25 to attend at 10am. With that said, here's crime for today.

6:12am - Criminal damage. 28XX N Ridgeway. Caller's car was damaged.

6:34am - The call is coded. Caller went to work.

8:37am - Beat car 2525 is doing a park check at Mozart.

9:21am - Vicious animal. 1656 N Central Park. The neighbor's dog keeps coming into the hallway.

9:56am - Traffic accident. Dickens and Pulaski. Injuries. Few calls on this.

10:12am - Battery. 1920 N Hamlin. At Ames Middle School. Two kids attacked a security guard with a block of wood.

10:23am - Not exactly in our coverage area, but 2533 needs some more cars. He's got a large fight at Potomac and Lawndale involving the Cameron school kids. There's been issues at the school for the last hour with four men messing with the kids.

10:26am - A slow down is being given at Cameron. It's a chaotic scene. While the officers are ok, there's A LOT of yelling and kids could be heard crying.

10:28am - Backlog in 25 at 10:28 hours. Half the district's at Cameron.

10:37am - An RD number has been pulled from the 9:56am job. It's HT351666 with the event number of 06239.

10:52am - Well, what do you know? The Cameron kids are fighting again. Ridgeway and Potomac this time. 12 girls beating up on one. Caller describes it as "mob action".

10:53am - Beat car 2513 is on scene along with 2544 at the 10:52am call. A slow down is being given.

10:58am - The 10:52am thing is being coded 5Paul.

11:14am - Criminal trespass. 40XX W Palmer. A man named Micheal in his late 30s or early 40s has been squatting in the basement apartment. The people in the building are afraid of him since he's punched a tenant before.

12:23pm - Parker. 29XX N Ridgeway.

1:07pm - Some call on the 2100 block of N Hamlin.

1:19pm - Criminal damage. 31XX N Lawndale. Male Hispanic with a black tanktop and black shorts tried to take the boot off of a car. He's got a hammer.

1:22pm - The unit assigned to the 1:19pm job is on scene. He says that the boot is damaged. A tow will be ordered.

1:49pm - Theft. 21XX N Lawndale. Male with a white hat and purple shorts stole the caller's bike. He's heading west on Dickens towards Hamlin.

1:51pm - Animal abuse. 3143 N Milwaukee. In the parking lot of Taco Bell, a dog was left in a car.

2:17pm - Criminal damage. Pulaski and Dickens. Gangbangers busted out the windows to the caller's car.

2:32pm - Vicious animal. 28XX N Ridgeway. Caller was nearly attacked by two loose pit bulls.

2:36pm - Loud music disturbance. 18XX N Pulaski.

3:03pm - Beat car 2523 is coding the 2:32pm job.

3:10pm - Disturbance. Kilbourn and Parker. Six guys loitering, drinking and using lots of profanity.

3:33pm - Assault in progress. Wellington and Kenosha. 10 males arguing.

3:40pm - A teaser is needed at 2032 N Keystone. Beat car 2525 is on the scene of a domestic and someone's acting up. 2521, 2523 and 2544 are going.

3:42pm - A slow down is being given on the 3:40pm job.

4:28pm - Beat 2505 just got a call from someone who works at Koz Park, who states there's a disturbance occurring. They are heading over now.

4:45pm - 2505 wants to run a plate from Koz Park, but the system's down.

4:51pm - Disturbance. 36XX W Fullerton. Guys drinking in front.

5:06pm - They're calling back on the 1:19pm job. This time, it's a dispute over a motorcycle.

5:54pm - Suspicious person. 28XX N Ridgeway. Two men hanging around, one keeps going in and out of a car every 10 minutes.

5:59pm - Information for the CPD. Koz Park. Runaway was spotted.

6:32pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Milwaukee. Car hit a pedestrian. EMS en route.

6:39pm - Information for the CPD. 21XX N Pulaski. Caller has info on a theft offender who stole their car keys.

6:45pm - Gang disturbance. Hamlin and Lawndale (just north of George on Hamlin). Large mob flashing signs. Caller reports there are 60 people on the corner.

6:48pm - The 6:32pm job is on 17's side.

6:49pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:08pm - I'm back.

7:23pm - Disturbance. 3121 N Milwaukee. Drunk guy refuses to leave the Red Apple.

7:25pm - 2505 has a street stop at Harding and Diversey.

8:01pm - Beat car 2522 has a traffic stop at Wrightwood and Ridgeway.

8:05pm - Assault in progress. 4451 W Belmont. Argument over a traffic accident.

8:11pm - Gang disturbance. Kilbourn and Wellington.

8:18pm - Commercial alarm. 39XX W Fullerton.

8:25pm - EMS run. Springfield and Diversey. Overdose.

8:28pm - Fireworks. 21XX N Lawndale.

8:30pm - Person w/ a gun. 21XX N Kedvale.

8:41pm - Gang disturbance. 18XX N Harding.

8:58pm - Traffic accident. Diversey and Lawndale. Hit and run.

9:23pm - Assault in progress. Fullerton and Pulaski. 12 males chased the caller and their friends.

9:25pm - Battery in progress. Pulaski and Armitage. Group fighting in front of the gas station.

9:37pm - 1) Suspicious person. 28XX N Ridgeway. Four men standing around the garage, like they're about to tag it. 2) Shots Fired. Kilbourn and Montana. Three gunshots.

10:17pm - 1) Assault in progress. 3167 N Milwaukee. At the Burger King. Intoxicated male threatening people. 2) Battery in progress. Lawndale and Fullerton. Group of men fighting in the street. 3) Assault. 1703 N Pulaski.

10:20pm - A slow down is being given at Fullerton and Lawndale regarding the men fighting.

10:30pm - Suspicious person. Diversey and Ridgeway. Something about two males.

11:01pm - Theft in progress. Dickens and Keystone. Four or five males breaking into a car on the street.

11:21pm - There was a call in the 2100 block of N Avers.

11:33pm - Shots Fired. 1900 N Springfield. Several heard.

11:37pm - Shots Fired. 1900 N Hamlin.

11:43pm - Assault in progress. Dickens and Pulaski. Two gang members representing and trying to start fights.

11:44pm - Person w/ a gun. Fullerton and Pulaski. Two male Hispanics, one with a white shirt that's barely on and another one with a black shirt, have guns. They're gangbangers.

11:46pm - Gang disturbance. 20XX N Avers. Group of 15 or so hanging out and being loud and breaking bottles.


  1. Might you cover the fest this weekend in the park. 14 will be quite active. Also a gang funeral over there this weekend. Watch out.

  2. Any idea when the fest starts, and where is this gang funeral at?

  3. Festival started Tuesday and it finishes Sunday , the parade is on Saturday at downtown then makes it way down Division street. And just my opinion I don't think the address of the funeral shouldnt be posted. It's a funeral and they are very disrespectful people out there I wouldn't want to juice it up more just in case a rival gangmember finds out the address . Too many people are getting shot as it is and we don't need to hear about another innocent bystander getting shot even if is a gang funeral because there are innocent people that go as well as family members who are not involved with a gang. Just sayin....

  4. I'm not sure if I'll be monitoring the festival in 14 tomorrow. I kind of don't want to, because I haven't heard of any problems this week so far from theses festivities. Is there any particular reason I should monitor it tomorrow, or should I do it just because it's a Saturday? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I'm just asking. Also, about the address, while you're saying all of that, you could just e-mail me the address at If you e-mail to me, I won't post it up here unless there's a call to the police during the funeral. I'd just like to have it for reference.

  5. Also, around what time will the parade reach Division tomorrow?

  6. Why did they cancel the great Irish St. Patricks parade on South Side yet allow the PR Festival to continue? There are LOTS of gang problems at this festival.

  7. Check out the second city cop blog. It has all the info you need. Sounds like some people want to give these shitheads privacy.

  8. Every year this Puerto Rican fest gets wild, why keep having it then? Or cut it down to just 3 days instead of a week? Or why allow all these other independence day celebrations to begin with? Only the 4th of July should be allowed. This ain't Mexico or Puerto Rico.
