Monday, May 9, 2011

Rear Disturbance On Ridgeway

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:36pm. I'm not in a good mood. It's just not my day whatsoever. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'll be staying after school tomorrow and Wednesday for a project I'm involved with. On that note here's crime for portions of this afternoon and evening.

4:01pm - Beat 2573 has an on-view disturbance in the rear of 2979 N Ridgeway. Probably with a drunk, trespassing into the vacant building at this address.

4:11pm - Battery in progress. 29X5 N Ridgeway. People fighting.

4:34pm - Disturbance. 2701 N Pulaski. Argument with someone who works at a business who won't refund the caller.

5:33pm - Threatening suicide. 4343 W Wrightwood. At Kelvyn Park High School. 15 yr old in the main office threatening to kill herself.

5:34pm - 1) Disturbance. 4242 W Fullerton. At Daddy's. 2) Burglar report. 2753 N Kostner.

5:56pm - Battery in progress. Keystone and Armitage. 10 gangbangers fighting.

6:06pm - I'm gone for the night. I need to clear my head and just have some time away from everything. See you all tomorrow. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Why doesn't that 2573 start arresting those drunkls on the streets? The drunks all have open bottles of beer or some other kind of hooch.
