Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Officer Does School Crossing @ Pulaski And Belmont

Good morning, everyone, it's 7:15am. Cloudy and cold morning we've got here. It's only in the lower 40s, which isn't average for early May. Anyway, yes, I'm not in school yet. That's because I don't start until 10:30, due to the sophomores testing, so that's good. But I will be home late today, because there is an emergency Student Government meeting I must attend. I should be home around 5. So, on that note, here's crime before I leave for school, and for portions of this afternoon and evening.

8:05am - Beat 2577Sam is doing a school crossing at Pulaski and Belmont.

8:37am - Sex offense. 3706 W North Ave. Guy taking off his clothes and getting into his car. This is in front of the car wash.

9:07am - I have to go to school, so I'll be back later this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great day.

4:10pm - I'm back. Good afternoon, everyone.

4:26pm - Gang disturbance. 28X9 N Avers. Group loitering and throwing up signs. They're also threatening to throw bottles at people.

4:27pm - Some call at 2221 N Karlov.

7:14pm - Alright, I'm gone for the night. I'll see you all tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. I guess kids just don't know how to cross streets either, so they need the police for that too.

  2. CPD only covers school crossings when there's no crossing guards. They're not there because kids don't know how to cross the street, they're there because of idiot drivers who don't know what a stop sign or a street light is.
