Thursday, May 19, 2011

Homicide On California This Morning

Good evening, everyone. I have learned today that a homicide occurred in the Avondale community this afternoon on the 3000 block of N. California, according to Chicago Breaking News and the Chicago Police Department. It occurred at about 1:50pm. According to CBN, the man killed, and another man who was injured in this shooting, were in the area when this happened. They were both taken to Illinois Masonic, where the one was pronounced dead. That one was Jesus Gamboa, of the 2900 block of N. Washtenaw, 21 yrs old. He was shot in the chest. The other man, a 22 yr old man, was shot in the head and remains in critical condition. Reports indicate that this shooting was gang related.

Well, looks like Avondale had it's first murder of 2011. Hopefully this is the only one, but it's sad that this even happened. People need to learn how to put down guns. To the community members in the area: Do something about this. Attend your next CAPS Beat meeting, form a block club, call 911 as often as necessary, and other things you can think of to help the community. But the utmost important thing is to get involved. To those of you in this area, you are on Beat 1411, and your next meeting is on Wednesday, July 6th, at Resurrection Church (3045 N. Francisco) at 6:30pm.

As usual, if you have any insights, questions, concerns and etc., please send them here, the FB page or my e-mail address.


  1. saw the forensics team in front of the laundromat there today. i've never seen that in real life.

    that's how i ended up on this website. such a bummer that this happens everywhere.

  2. We need a national ban on handguns and assault weapons. Enough of the NRA's nonsense. These guns serve no other purpose other than killing people.
    Perhaps if they added financial punishment along with criminal punishment the gun crime would go do. Start property seizures of persons who refuse to turn in their weapons.

  3. This is very sad he was my next door neighbor, my heart goes out to his family.

  4. This morning, a friend of mine's brother was mugged at knife point while he was walking west on wrightwood. The exact location is wrightwood and avers around 8:30. The only thing he can remember was the offender was maybe 19-20, african american and on a bike. The kid gave him $20 and and his mp3 player. No report was made.

  5. I heard the victim was a MLD so hey live by the gun die by the gun. I like to say. One less problem for us.

  6. Yea bobbo, confiscate all the guns in the country. That will really work. Guns are illegal in Mexico. Guess who still has them???? The bad guys! You're why Illinois is the only state in this country that does not have some sort of carry law. 49 other states have them and a lot of crimes go DOWN because the bad guy does not know who is or who is not carrying. Bad guys are cowards and will take advantage of the weak and unprotected. What needs to be done, is Illinois giving its citizens the right to conceal and carry. Then bad guys will think twice before acting out. You think this is a bad idea? Ever leave the state of Illinois? then you have walked/driven passed citizens carrying guns. Guess what you're still alive. The punks that go around killing people, shoot randomly. Citizens trained to carry are pretty good shots....just sayin. Sorry this person had to lose their life.

  7. ure Joe, bring back the old west. Have shootouts over everything.

  8. Thugs ILLEGALLY obtain guns. How does a gun ban help law abiding citizens, Bobbo?

  9. The victim who was shot and killed was a gangbanger who was a MLD member. He had guns and was a criminal. My guess is that he never even graduated high school.

    This is just another shining example of why kids need to stay in school, get educated, graduate and get a job or go to college. This 21 yr old kid wasted himself and his life.

  10. The kid that you speak of was my cousin and was a very smart and loving person. He came out to Utah to try to change his life around. Unfortunately the streets of Chicago was to much for him, he was shown the glamour of being a gangmember and the respect that comes with it. For one I wish I would've done more to have him stay here in Utah with me and done something else with his life. But my cousin didn't die in vein, I hope his story help teenager and family members open there eyes and realize that a life like this will never end well. I will always love you Jesus.

  11. Pathetic. What's new a gangbanger dies oh well sucks to be him.

  12. What's pathetic is the school system in Chicago. I was told I would never accomplish anything my life and next week I will be graduating collage.

  13. wrong idea bria, I agree. It is a bummer,

    Anonymous 10:33, sorry to hear that.

    Anonymous 1:59, thank you for that information.

    NRA Pride, I can't say I disagree.

    Best Blog Ever, I agree.

    Anonymous 1:42, yep. I agree all the way.

    Anonymous 5:22, and bobbo, I will have a separate reply for you two.

  14. He did not have a gun on him when he was killed you moron, and it doesnt matter if he was a MLD or not you dont have to be a gang member to be a victim of violence. Im sure if one of your family members was a gang member and shot to death you wouldnt want random people saying oh well so what he was a gang member thats what he gets, he has a family that cared about him regardless of his flaws and out of respect you should avoid posting dumb comments.

  15. He might not have had a gun on him when he died but he had guns. He also had a lengthy criminal record. He also was shot in 2010. You would think this kid might smarten up and stop the crap. Maybe he would still be with us. Gangbanging does not pay. It's worthless and a waste. I hope you all realize this.

  16. If the victim was part of my family I would still say the same thing. He deserved getting killed he wanted to be a cool gangbanger serves him rigth getting killed.

  17. The kid Gamboa should have stayed in school, graduated high school and gone to college. He'd be graduating right now with a degree. He would have his whole life in front of him. Instead he joined a gang, ran the around the streets with hand guns, got shot at, got arrested multiple times, smoked and sold dope and finally got shot and killed by another gangbanger. Parents take notice. Push your kids to excel in school and get an education. Parent them the right way and pay attention to what they do.

  18. My cousin was the one who shot Jesus Gamboa. Now It's pretty messed up he did that they we're both gangbangers my cousin was a Latin King and Jesus was an MLD there's been war between the two gangs for years now and I really don't know when it will end! There's a survillence tape from the laundrymat in which the video clear shoes Jesus Gamboa jumping out of the car and started talking crap to the 17 year old shooter(my cousin) in which then he felt threatened and acted in self-defense. I'm not taking sides but I'm just making it clear for everybody!! My cousin was walking with his girlfriend who both had just came out of school in which he still had his bookbag to the best of my knowledge I don't know where he got the gun from but my point here is when someone dies and its gang-related they always try to make the person who died look like a good person, i'm sure Jesus has picked up a gun and shot people before its the gang life my cousin was a smart young kid also who tried to better his education. Unfortunately both lives here ended!! Jesus is dead and Abel Lopez(the shooter) is going away to jail for the rest of his life. These are the streets of Chicago For you!!

  19. So because someone talks crap to me I'm going to kill him or her? Wow that's a good excuse? Gang member or not did not deserve to die. Has anyone thought about his family? No no one has. Does anyone wake up in the morning and says "I think I'm going to become a gang member today" No that's not the case. Both young men could have been saved from this nightmare. Is just sad ...
