Monday, May 2, 2011

Gang Disturbance At Armitage and Keystone

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 5pm. Glad to be home from school. It was an ok day, but a few people I just need to avoid. On the bright side, my class and I are heading on down to Soldier Field for the opening ceremonies of Special Olympics tomorrow :). It's ALWAYS a fun event, and I cannot wait to do it again. I love this time of year. So, anyway, I'm just monitoring until my dinner time, then I have to do some other stuff. So here's crime for some of this late afternoon.

6:18pm - Gang disturbance. Keystone and Armitage.

6:41pm - Disturbance. 3635 W Oakdale. A guy followed the caller as they walked their dog.

7:08pm - A unit needs an event number for foot patrol on the 2300 block of N Keeler. Event number is 15289.

7:11pm - Beat 2548 is going to check out a suspicious vehicle that is causing problems around Kelvyn Park.

7:12pm - Gang disturbance. Drummond and Kostner.

7:14pm - I have to go eat, and with that, I'm gone for the night. Have a good night, everyone, and be safe.


  1. I was the person who called regarding the disturbance at 3635 W.Oakdale. I was approached by one of the Polish homeless buns who harassed me repeatedly after I told him to get away from me. He said I was nice to my dog and I should touch him the way that I touch my dog. I threatened to to hit him if he didn't step away and still nothing. Ever since the church opened that Lazarus Gate and started feeding them they hang out in our alleys, urinate, defecate, break bottles and tear the garbage up and toss it in the alley. Needless to say, that it does not help the rat problem. There is a steady stream of them who no longer have to panhandle to pay for food, now all of the proceeds can go to fuel and feed their addiction. Compound that with the bar on the corner of Central Pk and Oakdale that opens at 7:00 am and it's a nightmare. I'm talking to the neighbors about starting a petition and then approaching the alderman and pastor in an effort to do something about it. Otherwise, if I get really ticked off, I will start to collect the broken glass and garbage that I pick up in a receptacle and deposit it on the lawn of the rectory. I Realize that it would not be very Christian-like, yet I am prepared to take a stand and make them see what goes on when they shut the door to that place and leave them all scattered in our neighborhood. Anyone have any thoughts or issues?

  2. Use your garden hose. Squirt water at those bums. They're like cats, hate water big time.
    How about voting the whole area dry? End all liquor sales and close those dumpy bars. Eveer lok in the door of one of those bars? They got drunks sleeping on the floor, or pasted out on their stools. I thought there were laws about over-serving patrons?

  3. Hello, anonymous 2:29. Sorry to hear about that happening to you. Clearly that bum has some issues, big time. I agree with bobbo, you should perhaps squirt water at these bums, which may help. I have also noticed the problem with the bums doing what you listed since St. Hyacinth's opened up that place. It's a big neighborhood issue and we the community should address it. As far as the bar on that corner goes, do you know if they're serving liquor to known bums and/or serving them while they're intoxicated? If so, I highly recommend you come to the Avondale Neighborhood Association meeting next Monday, May 16th, at St. Hyacinth's (Resurrection Hall) starting at 7:00pm, and bring it up there. One of ANA's top priorities is addressing the bum problem in our area. Also, there's a CAPS Beat meeting on the 25th for our Beat, 2523, at the Copernicus Center on Milwaukee beginning at 6:30pm, and you could bring this problem up there as well. As far as talking to your neighbors about getting a petition, it's a great idea, and actually, there is a block club in the area from Ridgeway to Central Park, Diversey to Milwaukee that includes your block and we can help get support for the petition. Speaking of the block club, since it includes your block, I think it would be great if you could join. Please e-mail me at if you'd like to join. Also, if you could, when you talk to your neighbors about the petition, bringing up the block club would be great. We're really looking to increase our numbers so we can better serve the community and getting as many people as possible in it would help.

    bobbo, regarding your comment about voting the area dry, the community groups I'm involved with has tried to do that with no success. No one wants to do it.
