Friday, May 27, 2011

Calls On Beat 2524

Good evening, everyone, it's 9:01pm. It's a cold late May night. Temps are in the lower 50s. Not average for this time of year. And it's raining. Anyway, tomorrow, I'll be monitoring 17 most of the day for you residents North of Belmont in our community. It'll be probably be boring and quiet for the most part, but hey, those readers deserve to know what's happening in their area, too. Also, since I have no school Monday due to Memorial Day, I'll be on my weekend schedule Sunday and Monday for 25. That means I'll monitor from after my dinner to a little after midnight Sunday evening, then from when I wake up to my dinner on Monday. That's all I've got to say for now, so here's crime for tonight.

9:24pm - Couple of calls on Beat 2524.

9:31pm - Battery in progress. Central Park and North Ave. Males fighting in the gas station.

10:49pm - Person down. 3196 N Milwaukee.

10:53pm - Missing person report. 1933 N Harding.

10:54pm - Arson in progress. 3923 W Barry. Male White, red hat and hoodie just set something on fire by the light pole.

11:50pm - Loud music disturbance. 21XX N Avers.

11:55pm - Just an FYI to everyone. Got this e-mail last night: "The Polish auto repair shop at the corner of Hamlin and Milwaukee caught fire a little after 10pm Thursday night. We heard explosions. As of 10:50, CFD had it under control, with probably 10 trucks responding. Lots of acrid smoke, fire burned through the roof,".

11:59pm - Battery in progress. 2400 and 2500 blocks of N Pulaski. Large fight between 20 or more men on the street. They're throwing bottles.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back in the morning. Goodnight, everyone, and be safe.

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