Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beat 2523 CAPS Meeting This Evening (5-25-11)

Good evening, everyone. The meeting this month had a good turn-out. So, moving on to the old issues from April and most of this month:

* ASPIRA High School (Pulaski and Barry) - There were problems at dismissals with kids congregating, causing trouble, etc.
* Ken-Well Park (2945 N. Kenosha) - People playing basketball there after 9:30pm and being a disturbance. Sgt. Weiglein says CPD has made special attention.
* 3700 W. Diversey - Gang activity. Sgt. Weiglein reports 11 arrests were made in the area and that special attention has been made.

And now to the new problems:
* Danny's Liquor (3018 N. Milwaukee) - This new liquor store is selling liquor to the drunks on Milwaukee, supposedly.
* Your's truly brought up three new problems on Ridgeway.

Other observations:
> This meeting was not short, but it wasn't too long either. Lots of attendees were in good spirits and the meeting went orderly. Lots of discussions took place afterwards between residents of the community.
> A woman assisting the day laborers at Belmont and Milwaukee has informed us that she is going to have them move to Belmont and Kedzie, but only if the community helps her get some things done in regards to this.
> The following events will be happening in 25 for the next month or so:
1) A block club training session will be held in the 25th District on June 18th at 10:00am.
2) A Garden Party at the Community Garden is set for Sunday, June 19th. It starts at 1:00pm.
3) A "Keepin' It Real" presentation will occur in 25 on July 21st at 6:30pm. This presentation will be about burglars telling you how they broke into homes and what you can do to keep your home safe.
> The most incidents took place in the 3900 block of W Barry. The most crimes were battery (35 reported incidents), criminal damage (26 reported incidents), and motor vehicle theft (25 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Tuesdays and Mondays.

As I do in every Beat meeting post, I extend my thanks to all for being involved in this meeting. Once again, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! It only takes ONE hour of your time, and we need all of the help we can get.

Next meeting: July 27, 2010 at Copernicus Center (3160 N. Milwaukee) at 6:30PM.

Thank you,


  1. Timmy, here is a portion of an email that I sent to District 17 CAPS on May 23

    Dear 17,

    Time: 12:15 am, today May 23 2011

    Location : 3600 Block W Eddy 60618

    Occurrence: After arriving at the above street in my vehicle, I observed in my side-view mirror 4 men on BMX bicycles a quarter block west of Lawndale approaching rapidly. I knew I would be able to safely exit my vehicle and enter the building I was going to, they looked like trouble. When they got to Lawndale, about 75 feet away, I heard One of them say to "get up on the sidewalk and bust his head, you hear me, I said get up on the sidewalk and bust his head". It was then, as they passed and as I was in a building vestibule that they were at their closest, about 20 feet. They were Latino in their early twenties or late teens. I hope this email helps, and I pray these bangers don't hurt anybody.

    I havent heard back from 17. Not that they can do anything. I just wanted to inform your readers to be aware


  2. Thank you for sharing this e-mail with me. I'll be sure to make a post about it sometime today.

  3. In regards to moving the day laborers to Belmont and Kedzie, what exactly does the lady need help with and where in the area would be there new hangout?

  4. Happy to finally see more police presence at Koz. I actually seen the basketball court outside free of gangbangers for 2 days in a row. And seen police officers pull over gangbangers on 2 occasions along Diversey before Central Park. I hope the police keep patrolling this area through out the summer . It needs it ! I hear some of the gangbangers are "reckless" meaning they don't give a crap about anyone and they will harm you.Pardon my language,but I think those gangbangers are a bunch of pussies because they are scared too, they always got to looking behind they're backs! They got to have guns to defend theirselves for stupid reasons! Keep the police coming to this area it'll help drive some of these punks away !
