Saturday, April 2, 2011

Traffic Accident On Kostner

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:20pm. Had a horrible day. It was going good, until I was up in the Jefferson Park when I lost my 1-day CTA pass I had on me. I got stranded, and had to get the 16th District police to drive me back towards home. The nice officer on 1622 pulled over a bus at Milwaukee and Sunnyside and asked the driver if I could ride back home free. The driver let me on. So it was a bad day. Anyway, I'm monitoring until the first call comes out after midnight, then I'll be done for the night. I'll blog again in the morning until dinner time. That's all I have to say until now, so here's crime for tonight.

8:32pm - Traffic accident. 2615 N Kostner.

9:26pm - Assault. 2126 N Hamlin. Caller was threatened by the neighbor.

11:10pm - Traffic accident. 2150 N Pulaski. Hit and run, someone was hit by a car.

11:18pm - Assault in progress. 3939 W Armitage. Gangbangers getting ready to fight in the liquor store.


  1. The 16th district cops helped ou out? Wow, they won't even do police work in 16. You think service is bad in 025, you should see how it is here.

  2. I was surprised myself, although the officer at the desk was very hesitant to call the officer who helped me in to help me.

  3. What a day that was! Good to hear that you got through it okay. I hope they guy who got hit by a car was not seriously hurt. Any news on him?
