Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Loud Party Around Ridgeway And Fullerton

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. It's still rather cold for this time of year, and it's extremely wet outside. Oh well. I hear the end of this week and next week will be much warmer anyway. On another subject, I will tell you all about meetings I will be attending this week and next. This week, I will be attending a special meeting tomorrow evening at 6:30pm at St. Hyacinth's (Resurrection Hall) regarding the proposed ASPIRA high school that is being planned to be built at Milwaukee and Central Park. I believe the meeting specifically will be about crime concerns that this school may bring. I encourage all in this area to be in attendance. Then, next week, I will not attend any meetings of any sort, because of testing I will be doing next week. Though, I will be going to a community party next Saturday. It's at the garden at Milwaukee and Monticello from 9am to noon. Lastly, I am not sure how my monitoring schedule will be today, as I have to take care of some personal business. Stay tuned. With that, here's crime for today.

1:04am - Loud music disturbance. Ridgeway and Fullerton. Loud party.

1:07am - I'm heading to bed. I hope everyone has a good night and remains safe.

8:30am - I'm back. Good morning.

8:42am - Burglar alarm. 2624 N Hamlin.

9:33am - Beat 2545 is doing a park check at Kelvyn.

10:28am - I'm gone. I'll be back at 3. Have a great late morning/early afternoon, everyone.

3:00pm - I'm back. Good afternoon.

3:34pm - Person down. 3143 N Milwaukee. At the Taco Bell. Female passed out on the floor. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me while I was napping.

5:27pm - Gang disturbance. Fullerton and Pulaski. Large group of them standing in the mini mall parking lot around the customers' cars.

6:43pm - Reckless driver. Avers and Diversey. Blue car ramming into other cars.

6:45pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:55pm - I'm back.

8:14pm - Theft. Cortland and Ridgeway.

8:36pm - Information for the police. 4310 W Wellington.

8:37pm - Assist the citizen. 3834 W Wabansia.

9:34pm - Suspicious person. 4051 W Wellington. Two males in the caller's backyard were going through their belongings but then they left when spotted by the caller.

9:44pm - Narcotics. 28X9 N Springfield. Two guys smoking pot in front.

9:48pm - Beat 2563 codes out the 9:44pm job as a 19Paul.

10:01pm - Gang disturbance. 16X6 N Central Park. Group of 6 out there doing what they do.

11:53pm - Beat car 2533Robert has a street stop on the 1700 block of N Harding.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll see you all at 10:28am tomorrow morning. Have a good night, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Aspira School? Isn't that a high school for kids that can't make it in regular school? You know, pregnant girls (which was a sin when I was young) and their gangbanger boyfriends.The way this country is going god help us...
