Saturday, April 23, 2011

Car Blocking Driveway On Avers

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. I'm monitoring 17 today, for half or most of the day. I'll be gone from 11am to about 3:30pm, so I asked my good friend ProdigalOne if she can help pull those archives for me while I'm gone, and she said she can do it, so that's good. Anyway, it's rather warm out this morning. It's about 50 degrees and mostly cloudy. It's supposed to warm up into the mid 60s today. It's about time we're having nice weather. It's late April already. Also, tomorrow, I'll only be monitoring 25 from 4-4:30pm. Otherwise, I won't be monitoring, because I will be enjoying my last day of my week long break off. Then I go back to school Monday. And this will be a very, very serious week for me. On Wednesday and Thursday, I have ACT testing, so I will only be focused on school and I will not be live blogging after 4pm on Tuesday and I will not live blog at all on Wednesday. I will return blogging live sometime Thursday evening. I'll talk more about all of this in the next two days. So, here's crime for today.

8:47am - Parker. 3440 N Avers. Car parked in front of the caller's driveway.

11:01am - Assault in progress. Addison and Pulaski.
Heading south towards Eddy is a Arabic male with beard in silver-colored Infinity following the complainant. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me while I was out.

4:58pm - Traffic accident. Addison and Kedzie.

7:04pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:19pm - I'm back.

10:05pm - Loud music disturbance. 3348 N Troy.

10:45pm to midnight - Fell asleep. I'm sorry. I'll try to get an archive on this time period.

12:00am - This concludes my monitoring of 17 for the month of April. I'll be back with it next month. As for tomorrow, I'll be here for 25 from 4 to 4:30pm. Have a goodnight, everyone, and Happy Easter.

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