Friday, April 15, 2011

Beat 1733 CAPS Meeting Last Night (4-14-11)

Good morning, everyone. I attended 1733's CAPS meeting last night. So far, this was my first and only visit to that meeting, though I may go back later this year or next year. The first thing we did at the meeting was go to old problems that came up at February's meeting. Those problems were...

* 3400 block of N. Albany - Drug dealing with fraud going on. The CAPS Sergeant reported that CPD didn't really find anything over there.
* 3322 W. Newport - Graffiti problems; criminal damage. Stops have been made and officers have looked into this situation.
* There were other problems, but they were north of Addison, thus outside of my boundaries for this blog.

Moving onto the new problems:
* 3326 through 28 N. Albany - Rampant drug sales going on in these houses. There are drive-ups, exchanges, etc.
* 3354 N. Albany - Cars being worked on on the street.
* 3200 block of N. Albany - Gang and drug issues. There are drive-ups and rampant drug sales.
* Whipple and Cornelia - Drug sales and bangers constantly congregating and loitering.
* 2800 block of W. Roscoe - There was an incident recently with a group of guys causing a large disturbance.

Other observations:
> The 17th District CPD are hosting a fundraiser for Special Olympics on Friday, May 20th from 5:00AM to 10:00AM. This fundraiser will be held at Addison and Elston in the Dunkin Donuts.
> The most crimes were theft (24 reported incidents), motor vehicle theft (15 reported incidents), and burglary (5 reported incidents).

For this Beat meeting post, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, go!

Next meeting: June 9, 2011 at Brands Park (3259 N. Elston) at 7:00PM.

Thank you,


  1. Mad I couldn't make this meeting. What was the turnout like? I'm aware of the 3200 block of Albany having drug dealing issues but not 3326-28 buildings but it wouldn't surprise me as those two are eyesores with way to many people living there including a few gangbangers. Very surprised about the 3400 block comments which I walk a couple times a day and never see anything out of the norm.

  2. Guess that explains the tags on the garage doors on Albany by Belmont. I generally avoid that whole section of my little area. It really is as bad as it looks.

  3. Hi Timmy! I just wanted to post and tell you that I envy your commitment to the neighborhood and this blog. I have been following you for about 6 months in anticipation of buying a home in Avondale (we are here and loving it!). Thanks again for being a great neighborhood advocate and I hope to meet you at the next CAPS meeting.

  4. anon 6:50 it's not that bad. Occasional tagging (MLD's tagging their own turf for some odd reason)and a few houses with suspected dealing. If you look at the crime incidents in the general area (Belmont/Kedzie/Elston) crime is much lower compared to the other side of the expressway. Like any other neighborhood there's a few problem buildings. The key to cleaning up the area is the neighbors keeping an eye out for suspicious activity and calling 911 if warranted. Graffiti blasters are fairly responsive usually cleaning up in a few days and the beat cops are usually quick respond to calls.

  5. riskibus_1733, it's ok you didn't make it. I may come back to your Beat meeting later this year or early next year, depending on my schedule. As for the turnout, there was a core group of 5 to 7 in attendance, along with ProdigalOne and myself. I was also rather surprised to hear about all of the problems on Albany. It seems as if Albany from Belmont to Elston is bad.

    Hi anonymous 7:22, thank you for following, and you're welcome! I am glad you are enjoying the neighborhood. As far as meeting you at a CAPS meeting, do you attend 1733's, or another one?
