Monday, April 11, 2011

Alley Gang Disturbance On Pulaski

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:27pm. What a long day. School was good, but I'm tired. I'm so glad this is the last week of school before Spring Break. Unfortunately, Spring Break is only for a week, but I'm going to make the best of it. I'll be going out every day that it is sunny. Anyway, I wanted to tell all of you the things I'll be involved with this week. I have a Student Government meeting on Friday, either a dinner event or a CAPS Beat meeting on Thursday, and a planned clean-up in the community on Saturday. With that, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:41pm - Gang disturbance. 19X7 N Pulaski. In the alley.

3:58pm - 1) Disturbance. Koz Park. Teens drinking. 2) Parker. 2530 N Hamlin.

4:25 to 5:48pm - I accidentally layed down for a nap. I'm sorry. I'll get this time period tomorrow.

5:56pm - Beat car 2524 has a traffic stop at Palmer and Kedvale. They're getting an assault call for afterwards.

6:32pm - Burglar report. 2256 N Lawndale.

6:44pm - Burglar report. 2326 N Springfield.

7:10pm - I have to go eat, and with that, I'm out for the night. I'll see you all in the morning with 17. Goodnight, everyone.