Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Woman Shot At Armitage And California Last Night

Good evening, everyone. There was a shooting around 7:45pm last night in our community. This occurred around Armitage and California, according to Chicago Breaking News. No exact location known. Though, it may have happened on either the 1900 block of Fairfield or the 2700 block of Armitage. The only information there is that the woman is 20 yrs old and was taken to Illinois Masonic in fair-to-serious condition.

Also, here's the WGN News link to it.

Comments, eyewitness accounts, or insights? Send them here or to my e-mail.


  1. I just hope they don't pass concealed carry in Illinois. We have far too many guns on the streets without adding more. The rest of the civilized world seems to get by without handguns. Time for a complete ban on handguns.

  2. I live on Fairfield and heard the whole thing, it was really scary, and incredibly sad. I heard what sounded like a little girl's voice screaming out for her mommy, so I can only assume she saw her mom get shot. How awful. And what's up with the lack of info? Nobody arrested? No idea where the shot came from? C'mon! You'd think that in this city with its vast network of high-tech surveillance cameras, the public would get a better explanation than "she was in the wrong place at the wrong time". Lame.

  3. Hey Sgt. you should not be the only people (police) with guns. All over the country almost all states allow cc. My wife and I walked home minutes after this shooting. All I could think of is why I can not carry here. My guns have to be in my house not with me were we almost walked into a random shooting. Why do I have to get a Florida ccw permit. I can carry in In, Iowa but not here. Most police support concealed carry. Those that do not are on a power trip. By passing it it would only make the law harder on criminals.

  4. Aren't handguns already completely banned within city limits? Even for those with firearms permits? Last I checked they were, so not sure what difference it would make if cc were allowed.

  5. Aren't handguns already completely banned within city limits? Even for those with firearms permits? Last I checked they were, so not sure what difference it would make if cc were allowed.

    Wake up people. All this CC stuff is not the answer. Do you really believe that we should revert back to the Wild West days where settle our disputes in a shootout? Don't be silly. If we allowed everyone to carry we are also permitting the bad guy to legally carry. If the bad guy shot you and you were armed he would say he shot you in self defense because you were armed and he feared for his life. They would never be charged. Don't do them any favors. CC is a bad idea all the way around. We need to move forward not backward.

  6. If we allowed everyone to carry we are also permitting the bad guy to legally carry.

    This is precisely wrong.

    Handguns are completely banned in the city, and passing cc won't change that, will it?

    I don't own guns so I could care less.

    I'm more irritated by the fact that no one got arrested despite there being cameras everywhere. It's like the cameras only work when it's convenient for them to.
