Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Teens Fighting On Wrightwood

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:09pm. I'm feeling under the weather again. And I was feeling pretty good yesterday. Not sure what happened today. Hopefully, I'll get better tonight and will feel good enough to attend school and a CAPS meeting for Beat 1411. But if not, I'll be getting rest tomorrow. Anyway, today's the first day of March, which means a lot of things. Spring will be here in only weeks, school will be over for the most part in three months and it's getting closer to my 18th birthday each and everyday. So, with that, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

4:15pm - Battery in progress. Wrightwood and Monticello. Couple of calls coming in for about a dozen teens brawling in the street.

4:16pm - Calls still coming in. Now Dispatch is getting 3634 and 3638 on Wrightwood.

4:18pm - And the calls continue to pour in. Pretty big fight going on involving a group of teens on the 3600 block of Wrightwood.

5:27pm - Just FYI, but there's a bunch of calls coming in on the 4500 block of W Parker for a huge gang fight with gunshots going off. Allegedly, over 100 people are involved. It's a chaotic scene.

5:48pm - Person w/ a gun. Lawndale and Fullerton. Male standing on the SW corner, waving a gun around.

5:51pm - A slow down is being given on the 5:48pm job.

6:30pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:00pm - I'm back.

7:17pm - Beat 2563Adam is doing a gang suppression mission from Diversey to Wrightwood, Pulaski to Central Park.

9:30pm - Narcotics. On 2523's Beat.

9:33pm - I have to go. I may or may not be back tomorrow. It all depends on how I'm feeling. Goodnight, everyone.


  1. Its just the kids geting out of school, nothing more. Why do callers make mountains out of molehills?

  2. I highly doubt it was kids getting out of school at 4:15pm from Monroe. Their dismissals at are 2:45, 3:45, 5:00 and 8:30. The one at 3:45 is for after-school and the 5:00 and 8:30 ones are for the community center kids. And of course, 2:45 is the regular dismissal.

  3. There should be more programs for young teens in Logan Square, as a matter of fact the whole city. I been talking to a couple of friends and were talking about opening up a Boxing gym for the neighborhood kids and residents.

  4. Well it's a sad day for CPD. Jody Weis is gone. I think the "rank and file" officiers didn't like him because he wanted to end the notorious corruption & civil right violations in the CPD.

  5. Sometimes I truly think that most of the rank and file police and their commanders are just lazy people and they do not want to be pushed to work harder with less resources nor do they want to compromise their cushy union jobs. Weis in many ways tried to push them to work harder and take some cuts. The police just don't want to work harder. It is completely evident in our neighborhoods and local beats on teh NW side. Zero police presence in neighborhoods, getting mad at residents' complaints of crimes at CAPS meetings and complete and utter indifference to fighting crime.

  6. Its just the kids geting out of school, nothing more. Why do callers make mountains out of molehills?

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011 7:52:00 AM CST

    because most were not raised to be thugs, such as yourself.

    or are you merely an ostrich?

  7. There should be more programs for young teens in Logan Square, as a matter of fact the whole city. I been talking to a couple of friends and were talking about opening up a Boxing gym for the neighborhood kids and residents.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011 8:08:00 PM CST

    swell, teach them to fight better.

  8. Well it's a sad day for CPD. Jody Weis is gone. I think the "rank and file" officiers didn't like him because he wanted to end the notorious corruption & civil right violations in the CPD.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011 9:31:00 PM CST

    since this is how you feel, call jody when your 'civil rights' get violated by a thug popping a cap into your ass.
