Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shooting At Kedzie And George This Morning

Good evening, everyone. I have received word that there was a shooting in the community today. It was just before 6:00am, in the Avondale area, at Kedzie and George. According to Chicago Breaking News (which incorrectly reported this as being in Logan Square), two men in their 20s were shot. One man is 24 years of age, the other 29. The 29 year old was the initial victim, and was struck in the upper chest. He was getting out of a car when a dark-colored sports utility car pulled up and someone fired off gunshots at the victim. The second victim, the 24 year old, was struck in the right shoulder as he got out of his car coming to the aid of the first victim. Someone inside of the two victims' car attempted to take the two to Illinois Masonic, but two ambulances caught up to them and took them instead. The first victim is in "guarded" condition, while the second one is in fair condition. Chicago Police currently do not have the motive for the shooting, nor is anyone in custody.

Did anyone see this shooting, or anything like that? Add your insights and eyewitness accounts here or to my e-mail.

Update, 3/23/11: A commenter said they saw the police action heading towards the crime. "I happened to by headed towards the California Blue Line around that time and I did notice a whole bunch of squad cars headed northbound up Milwaukee at that time,".


  1. Probably more gangbanger nonsense. Can't feel sorry for these bastards.

  2. My Uptown neighbors are wanting me to join some kind of Victims Rights group and go to court against these gangbanger crimes in my hood. I would like to go except I cannot take off time at work. Maybe they have an organization like this in your neighborhood?

  3. I happened to by headed towards the California Blue Line around that time and I did notice a whole bunch of squad cars headed northbound up Milwaukee at that time.

    I do live right next to the intersection of the shooting. Scary stuff.

  4. Avondale area don't begin until u get to north of belmont

  5. Can't say I disagree with you, bobbo. It's almost always like that.

    americanlt, that program is in every neighborhood of the city. It's a program with the Police Department.

    Anonymous 4:03, thank you for your insight, and I'm sorry you happened to live so close to this shooting.

    Anonymous 11:25, uh, no. Avondale begins at Diversey. Period. Most of us neighbors don't go by those neighborhood boundaries, we go by the community boundaries, which has Avondale beginning at Diversey. Besides, I know where I live. I've been in Avondale my whole life.

  6. Agreed. The Chicago Community Area boundaries sets the border at Diversey. It's how it's been for 100+ years.

    The popular conception of Logan Square has been creeping north because developers keep moving it north to sell real estate at higher prices.

  7. I actually heard the shootings happen and heard the tires peeling out in the early morning. I also spoke to the police about what I heard and actually stepped on the blood of the victims without knowing it until the police told me to watch my step. The police did not seem very interested in the situation. The dark blue SUV was seen going through the alley and also down the street.
