Sunday, March 13, 2011

Reckless Driver On Milwaukee

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. It's currently in the low 30s with a clear sky. An average mid-March night I guess. Well, don't forget to change your clocks ahead one hour at 2:00am. We're springing ahead. Personally, I'm a bit happy about the change because it won't be that dark anymore when I'm out in the evenings going to the different meetings I attend. Speaking of meetings, the only one I have this week is a Student Government one after school on Friday. Then I have to go (I'm actually required to attend this one, too) to a block club training session in the 25th District on Saturday. So I get a little break this week. Also, I'll be here a part of the day tomorrow, since I won't be in school. I have to go to the eye doctor, so I have to miss school for the appointment. With that, here's crime until my dinner this evening.

12:09am - Reckless driver. Milwaukee and Central Park. Lincoln with a plate of 216767 is speeding.

12:10am - I'm going to bed. I'll be back in the morning. Goodnight, everyone.

9:46am - I'm back.

10:53am - Vicious animal. 2207 N Keeler. Caller stabbed a vicious pit bull in front in the stomach. Guess the dog came at them or something.

11:49am - Suspicious person. 3601 W Palmer. Man with a pit bull is taking pictures of the buildings in the neighborhood.

12:12pm - Beat 2582Foot has a 10 foot pothole at 3844 W Belmont. City needs to be notified. Dispatch will let Streets and San know.

12:32pm - Suspicious person. 3614 W George. Male Hispanic in a black jacket knocked on the caller's window, then fled north on Central Park towards Oakdale.

1:27pm - Parker on 2525's Beat and one on 2535's Beat.

2:02pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3133 N Milwaukee. A male is trying to jump over the counter because he wants his lottery ticket back.

3:31pm - Robbery. 2850 N Lawndale. Caller was robbed by two male Hispanics in black jackets who ran towards Wolfram.

4:30pm - Burglar report. 2518 N Tripp.

6:36pm - Sex offense. Avers and George. Male Hispanic, drunk, took off his pants and is showing his private parts to the ladies on the block.

6:38pm - I have to go eat, and with that, I'm gone for the night. I'll see you all tomorrow starting at 6:43am. Goodnight, everyone.


  1. Have you noticed that many flks register their cars in Indiana now? They scam the state out of lots of $$$$.

  2. Great to see you back and blogging again, my husband and I both appreciate your work in keeping us informed.

  3. good to have you back my friend!

  4. So glad you decided to continue this blog ! Many thanks...

  5. No problem at all, anonymous 12:54. I enjoy doing this work.
