Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Restaurant Robbery On Pulaski

Good evening, everyone, it's 5:56pm. School was good but tiring. Also busy, as there's a Driver's Ed test on Thursday I must study for. Anyway, on Saturday, I'll be monitoring 17 for those of you North of Belmont most of the day. There will be a portion of the day I have to take care of some things, but I will be sure to either have the Zone recorded while I'm gone or to have archives grabbed of it. Either way, it will be available to you. Also, for anyone out there, there was an Avondale Neighborhood Association meeting originally scheduled for this past Monday, the 21st, but because of the holiday, it was canceled. It was rescheduled to this upcoming Monday, the 28th. It's at St. Hyacinth's in Resurrection Hall at 7pm. Here's crime for some of this evening.

6:14pm - Robbery. 1703 N Pulaski. Restaurant was robbed.

6:17pm - The only description that's come out on the robbery is that there's two male Hispanics involved, one who was 5'2 with a black hoodie.

6:54pm - I'm going to go for the night. I'll be back tomorrow, since I have a test I really need to study for (which is a main reason I'm quitting for the night). Goodnight, everyone.