Friday, February 4, 2011

Near South Side Crime Blotter

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. Today, since it's my 3rd snow day from school (no school bus service), I'm monitoring the Near South Side community, which is just south of the Loop. Boundaries are Roosevelt to the north, Clark (18th to the Stevenson Expressway) and the Chicago River (Roosevelt to 18th) to the west, the Stevenson Expressway to the south and the lakefront to the east. Anyway, this weekend, I will be monitoring the W. Garfield Park community. Since I've got stuff to do this weekend, though, I have to break up the monitoring times. Tomorrow (Saturday), I'll be listening in from 2pm-12am, then on Sunday from 8am-2pm. I have a breakfast to go to tomorrow morning with some CAPS people, then I'm getting a haircut on Sunday. With that, here's crime in the Near South Side community on this cold day.

8:30am - Suspicious vehicle. 125 E 18th. Red van was just left in the middle of the street.

9:26am - EMS run. 1725 S Wabash. At St. Agnes Health Care and Rehab.

11:57am - Burglar alarm. 1337 S Indiana.

12:05pm - Beat car 124 has an open back door on the 11:57am job. Beats 163Adam, 163Boy and 165Ida are en route.

12:07pm - A slow down is being given at 1337 Indiana.

1:33pm - Check the well being. 1212 S Michigan. Caller states that an elderly woman is being abused by her daughter, and needs to be checked on.

1:54pm - Beat 174Frank, the unit that responded to the 1:33pm job, needs EMS. The elderly woman is on the floor and can't get up.

2:17pm - Beat 181George is doing a school dismissal at South Loop Elementary. Event number is 10087.

2:20pm - The 1:33pm woman is going to the hospital, but she's fine. Had too much to drink.

2:27pm - Beat 184Eddie and 184George are doing school dismissal at Old St. Mary's. Event number is 102XX.

3:08pm - If your side street has not been plowed yet, fill out this form: . Also, call your alderman.

5:00pm - Disturbance. 1600 S Lakeshore Drive.

5:34pm - Beat car 132 has an on-view disturbance on CTA bus #1279 at Michigan and 13th.

6:38pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:54pm - I'm back.

7:13pm - Narcotics. 18X7 S Michigan. Group selling in front.

9:28pm - Beat car 133 has a traffic stop at 13XX S Michigan.

9:31pm - Disturbance. 1233 S Wabash. Male causing a scene inside the Wabash Tap store.

9:48pm - Disturbance. 13th and Michigan. Problem aboard CTA bus #1953.

12:00am - I'm off to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow afternoon, and I will be here with the West Garfield Park community. Goodnight, everyone. Be warm and safe.


  1. The cops in 25 are crying about all the snow in their parking lot. Well gee wiz, all of us regular folks had to shovel our parking spots out. How about they shovel their own lot?

  2. From what I know, bobbo, they had a TON of snow in their east parking lot. At the height of the storm Tuesday night, their cars got buried in that lot.

    I'm sure a snow plow will go by sooner or later to get the snow out of there.

  3. Not yet. Lots still a mess. Of course they could work on it themselves like most others in the area did.

  4. The cops in 25 are crying about all the snow in their parking lot. Well gee wiz, all of us regular folks had to shovel our parking spots out. How about they shovel their own lot?

    Friday, February 4, 2011 11:25:00 PM CST

    how about you call yourself, when you need police protection?

  5. Not yet. Lots still a mess. Of course they could work on it themselves like most others in the area did.

    Sunday, February 6, 2011 11:45:00 PM CST

    the cops don't live there, they only work there.

    if, and i say if, you have a job, follow your own advice and shovel the areas around where you work.
