Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gang Disturbance On Fullerton, IN THE BLIZZARD!

Good evening, everyone, it's 5pm. School was on a bit on the chaotic side today, but the kids weren't nuts. This blizzard coming in has everyone and their mother worried and/or scared. Speaking of school, ALL Chicago Public Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow due to the severe blizzard coming in. This is the first time since 1999, which is 12 years ago. And I'm very glad the schools are closed, and not just because of a snow day, but it is not worth anyone's safety to travel in white-out conditions in nearly 2 feet of snow. So I hope everyone is prepared for the blizzard by now. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE unless you absolutely have to. Stay in and stay safe. Here's crime (and blizzard calls) for this evening.

5:26pm - Gang disturbance. 3700 W Fullerton. Five males flashing gang signs. Out in THIS kind of weather?!? They're NUTS.

5:47pm - Battery in progress. 3700 W Fullerton. Four to five guys fighting. Probably the same guys from this gang disturbance. These guys are insane. Absolutely insane.

5:53pm - A disregard is being given.

5:56 to 6:16pm - Took a little nap.

6:44pm - Wires down. Keystone and Palmer. NW alley.

6:45pm - Wires down. 2937 N Lowell.

7:46pm - Panic alarm. 3133 N Milwaukee.

8:20pm - Wires down. 2200 block of N Keystone.

8:39pm - Person calling for help. 1904 N Lawndale. Someone can be heard shouting.

8:43pm - Another alarm call on the 3100 block of Milwaukee. There's an outage on the block.

9:58pm - Check the well being. 3703 W Belmont. 72 yr old woman sounds sick.

10:01pm - DUI driver. Central Park and Belmont. Drunk driver swerving west on Belmont.

10:16pm - Burglar alarm. 3717 W Belmont.

10:18pm - Theft in progress. 3742 W Armitage. There's an abandoned car in the alley, and another car pulled up, which two males jumped out and started taking stuff out of the abandoned car.

10:58pm - Assist the citizen. Lawndale and Shakespeare. Two guys stuck in a van.

12:00am - Alright, everyone, I'm going to go. I'll be back at 8am, and I will lay out my monitoring schedule for tomorrow then. But there will be limited monitoring due to all of the snow and cold temps that shall probably keep the radio slient. So, goodnight, everyone. Be safe!!


  1. These are the days dealers dream about. I called the police three times in the past two hrs for narcotics being sold in the street corner nothing, I got home early from work and they where out and about I asked them
    Isn't cold there like "not even jo we dress real good to stay warm". Then I asked them what are they doing out, there responce "making money jo more than half of dealers hate being out in the snow so that means were going to get more money and less heat from rivals and cops". They sure backed up there answer when I got home there was seven latinos teens out and each whipped out $2,000 in cash. I dont mind them but I do sometimes call the police but it pisses me off that they never show up, and when I was listening to the scanner last weekend and called in another narcotics call they didn't even dispacth it. A couple minutes ago I looked out the window and they were still out and more now three black teens but im not going to waste my time calling the cops, so they wont show. Like the punks say "get it how you live".

  2. Windy ass hell out. All this til mid afternoon tomorrow. I cant imagine walking by LSD probably get blowed by the wind LOL.

  3. LOL, anonymous 9:11, but yeah, it's real windy out.

    Anonymous 7:39, sorry to hear about this, and I think it's real dumb that they're even out in weather like this. The only people who should be out are emergency crews and people who have to travel because of an emergency. Otherwise, no one should be on the street. But the police should respond to your calls, especially because it's drug-dealing. There's no excuse why they can't come to a call like that.

  4. Man its great out here. Finally got to use my snow mobile. Drive it down main streets at night, with no problems. I hope the city don't clear the streets for weeks.

  5. Anonymous 12:32, what about us without snow moblies? A lot of us don't have those. And we have to go to school and work in this crap, so the city had better clear these streets as soon as possible.

  6. Anonymous 7:39, sorry to hear about this, and I think it's real dumb that they're even out in weather like this. The only people who should be out are emergency crews and people who have to travel because of an emergency. Otherwise, no one should be on the street. But the police should respond to your calls, especially because it's drug-dealing. There's no excuse why they can't come to a call like that.

    Sorry to disagree, but you have to consider that much bigger problems existed for CPD & ALL first-responders Tuesday. I think emergency situations took priority. and a drug deal is NOT a priority to the Dept. these days. I'm not saying that's right, just how it is with such a severe shortage in manpower and low morale.
    I like the blog, btw.

  7. Who's buying dope in the middle of a snow storm? I think you're seeing things...

  8. Anonymous 7:39, that's true, and I agree that there were much bigger problems on Tuesday. At the time I made that comment, it wasn't as bad as it was later that night, but having seen this blizzard mess up Chicago the way it did, there were truly more emergencies. And you're right about the shortage and low morale.

    Thanks for dropping by.

  9. Luke Short said...

    Who's buying dope in the middle of a snow storm? I think you're seeing things...

    Thursday, February 3, 2011 9:30:00 AM CST

