Friday, February 18, 2011

Burglar Report On Hamlin

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:04pm. It's been a pretty good day, but it's also been long. Glad it's the weekend, and it's an extended one, too, since I have Monday off. So, with this extended weekend, I'm going to monitor two more communities outside of our area. Tomorrow, I will monitor the Lower West Side (most of it, anyway), then Sunday, I will cover the East Garfield Park community. Though, tomorrow, I will be gone from about 10:15 to 1:45 because I need to go take care of some business (nothing bad) at the 25th District Police Station tomorrow, so I'll need to figure out a way how to grab that archive while I'm gone. So, here's crime for tonight.

6:23pm - Burglar report. 2426 N Hamlin.

8:00pm - I'm going to take a break from blogging, until 9:07. See you all then. Oh, by the way, here's an article regarding a fire that occurred on the 2700 block of N Monticello.

9:07pm - I'm back.

10:37pm - Missing report. 2137 N Springfield. 16 yr old didn't come from school. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

10:38pm - Assault. 1937 N Ridgeway. Disturbance with brother and a friend who tried to attack caller with a knife.

12:00am - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning with the Lower West Side community. See you all then.


  1. Is there really anything to steal from these homes in 25? The burglars should go up to Edison park in 16 where's theres little police service and lots to steal.

  2. Is there really anything to steal from these homes in 25? The burglars should go up to Edison park in 16 where's theres little police service and lots to steal.

    Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:27:00 AM CST

    is that your favorite hunting ground?

  3. Luke, on the northern end of 25 at some points (particularly on Beats 2511 and 2514), I think there would be.

  4. Yeah, those polski folks are known to keep lots of cash at home. They don't use banks.
