Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beat 1432 CAPS Meeting This Evening (2-17-11)

Good evening, everyone. I attended 1432's CAPS meeting tonight. This was my first and only visit to that meeting. The old issue that was talked about from December's meeting was Green Dolphin on Ashland. There has been fights, shootings, and etc. there in the last few months. But it has been cleaned up, after meetings with the owner and alderman. As a matter of fact, someone from Green Dolphin was there, and said that they're converting it into a nightclub for older people (middle aged and senior-type folks). So that appears to be taken care of.

And now to the new problems
* Someone was beaten up in front a fruit store today on this Beat. A dispute between a cashier and a customer apparently got ugly as the customer was beaten up. The person who mentioned it said the guy beaten up was bleeding pretty bad.
* There's been some "trouble" on Avondale on the Beat.
* 2243 N. Oakely - Teenage kids who live this location are terrorizing the neighborhood by vandalizing, doing drug transactions, etc. The Beat Facilitator said that these teens have lived in different locations on the Beat and are known for doing this.
* Parking issues are rampant in the area, the worst of it being on the 2300 block of W Altgeld.

Other observations:
> This meeting was very, VERY poorly attended. There were only two residents in attendance, Alderman Waguespack (32nd), his Chief of Staff, and someone from Green Dolphin.
> The most crimes were theft (118 reported incidents), burglary (18 reported incidents), and motor vehicle theft (12 reported incidents).

For this Beat meeting post, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, go!

Next meeting: April 21, 2010 at Holestin Park (2200 N. Oakely) at 6:30PM.

Thank you,


  1. Hiya. How do we find out about the shooting around 7pm tonight on Lawndale near Fullerton? Any help appreciated!

  2. Hey Patrick, I will have ProdigalOne, my contributor to the blog, check the archived tapes of 25 to see if there's any information, and I will certainly try to find out also. Can you tell me what happened? I'm going to have a post up about it in the morning.

  3. Just firecrackers on Fullerton, nothing more.
