Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stolen Vehicles Recovered On Lawndale

Good morning, everyone, it's 7:32am. Yeah, it's early for me to be up at this time on a Saturday morning, but I have a meeting I have to attend at 10 in the 25th District. It goes until about noon. I will start blogging at 1pm and go until midnight. Tomorrow, I'll monitor 14 all day. Well, that's all I have to say for now, so here's crime for today.

8:24am - Beat car 2534 is recovering a stolen vehicle at 1841 N Lawndale.

- 2534 has another one. 1606 on Lawndale.

8:43am - Residential alarm. 3032 N Milwaukee.

9:46am - I have to go. I'll be back at 1. See you all then.

1:00pm - I'm back. It was a good and really informative meeting.

1:50pm - Person w/ a gun. Kelvyn Park. Three male Hispanics, one with a gray sweater, and the other with a red one, are running towards Kostner and Drummond in the park with guns.

1:51pm - Battery in progress. 2118 N Hamlin. Two males beating up one in front.

1:55pm - A slow down is being given on the 1:50pm job.

4:28pm - Burglar alarm. 4147 W Oakdale.

6:46pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back in a little bit.

6:55pm - I'm back.

7:01pm - Fire call. 4325 W George.

7:05pm - Parker. 1800 N Harding. Premits.

7:07pm - I'm going to take a little break. I'll be back by 7:30.

7:26pm - I'm back.

7:41pm - Suspicious person. 2537 N Hamlin. Two male Black teens, around 17 yrs old, who burglarized the caller's house a few weeks ago are in the alley. One is 5'7, medium complected, 190 lbs, has on a black baseball cap, backpack, blue hoodie and blue jeans. I remember a burglary call from this block fitting the descriptions given involving male Black teens. Here's that call, from December 27 at 10:43am - "Burglary. 2537 N Hamlin. Three male Blacks teens tried to break into the caller's apartment while they were asleep. The teens fled towards Wrightwood in the alley," ... Wanted for attempted burglary are three male Black youths, one who's "quite short", possibly about 10 yrs old, and the other two that are 18 yrs old,".

7:54pm - Shots Fired. Belden and Keystone. Three male Hispanics running towards Palmer after firing two shots.

7:57pm - A slow down is being given on the 7:54pm job.

7:59pm - Wanted from the 7:54pm job is a red Nissan minivan that might have had Cobras in it. The victim claims they have no ties to gangs. And, the "Shots Fired" calls are still coming into 911, on the 2300 block of Keystone.

8:53pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 3134 N Kostner. 2) Car alarm. 4149 W Wellington.

9:48pm - Robbery. 3815 W Dickens. Caller and their daughter were robbed by a guy who jumped onto their porch and then fled in a Dodge Durango.

10:34pm - Beat 2590 wants Evidence Tech ordered up for 3753 W Armitage for an illegal party.

12:00am - I'm done blogging for the night. I'll be back with 14 tomorrow morning. Goodnight, everyone.


  1. How many of these stolen cars were just used to joy ride? How many of them were the owners fault? (You know, left runnning with the keys in them)

  2. Calling for graffiti is a waste of time, when you call 311 they ignore it or just bs about it. I called befofe and it took them more than two weeks to get rid of it.

  3. Luke, probably at least half of them.

    Anonymous, you know why it takes so long for them to respond now to graffiti? Because they've got so many requests coming in for graffiti removal that it's not funny.

  4. Can I ask those of you who live in my area to please call in graffiti at the following locations? They're all over 6 feet from the ground. I called already, but ask if you could all help. Thanks!
    - 2800 N. Ridgeway (front)
    - 3716 and 3724 W. Diversey (3716's is on a fence and 3724's is on the side of the building)

  5. It's sad too say that most people don't give a $hit about their community. Don't let those "bad apples" discourage you from trying to help out. Concentrate at getting rid of the bums and winos that loiter around Milwakee. They lower my property value.

  6. Uh, those homeless have rights. Civil rights mind you. There's an attorney fighting for lawsuit money for them. The city's already on the hook for a 5 million dollar won by a homeless woman on Belmont. Mess with these so-called bums and they'll have your home...

  7. get rid of those winos, you're gonna have to get rid of the filthy stinking rat rey colon.

  8. You give the bums money. You give them food. So why would the bums wish to leave the area?

  9. Americanlt, I agree, it's sad. You would think since these people have to (at least, the lower income) live here, they would like to see their community nice and peaceful. Guess not. But the drunks are not my top priority right now. I want the neighborhood to have it's gang problem taken care of first. After they're gone, I'll more than happy to help rid of the drunks.

    Sgt. Benderski, so you're saying that we, the law-abiding citizens, don't have rights? Why should we have to put up with the drunks? As a matter of fact, why should we have to put up with any criminal in the first place? Quite frankly, I think when these people decided to become drunks on Milwaukee, they should've given up their civil rights. I don't think they deserve them if they're going to commit crime and be a real nuisance.

    bobbo, most of us, or at least the people I know, don't feed them. It's the Polish people who are stupid enough to think they're "sick" (btw, I'm NOT degrading Polish people ... I do know some Poles in the neighborhood who will NOT feed the drunks).
