Friday, January 21, 2011

Person Shot On Ridgeway

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:06pm. TGIF! It's been a long week, and a REALLY long day for me. I had a meeting after school today, and didn't get in the house until about 5:20. Speaking of school, we'll be having final exams next week, which means I'll be testing but will be coming home earlier. I will be leaving school at about noon on Monday and Tuesday, and will arrive home by 1:15. Anyway, I'm monitoring Lakeview all day tomorrow. Here's crime for this evening.

6:36pm - Person Shot. 2735 N Ridgeway. Anonymous reports a man shot, only one call. No calls for "Shots Fired". There was an accident on this block a little earlier though.

6:37pm - No one's shot on Ridgeway. People just keep calling because they're pissed about police response. Officers want to know how the call came in, and they want someone locked up for it. Dispatch says the call came from a cell phone number that called earlier regarding the accident.

6:39pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:53pm - I'm back.

6:54pm - Officers are still chatting with Dispatch regarding the fiasco on Ridgeway. Beat 2520 has the cell phone number on his PDT and will be calling a supervisor at OEMC (the 911 Center) regarding the situation.

6:55pm - Just got off the phone with a neighbor on that block, who tells me that someone was hit by a car and that 3 parked cars were struck. Police believe the driver of the car is drunk.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back at 8am tomorrow morning with Lakeview. See you all then.


  1. Someone hitting parked cars turns into a guy shot job? And you wonder why police service is slow. It's like the boy who cried "wolf" too many times.

  2. I have to agree with you, Luke. Whoever called this in as a man shot should definitely know better than to do that.
