Friday, January 28, 2011

"North" Avondale Crime Blotter (District 17)

Good morning, everyone, it's 7:30am. Today, I'm monitoring 17 for our residents North of Belmont. As usual, it'll probably be quiet, especially since it's in the middle of winter, but I still have readers in that area, so I need to do this. Relating to this, I'll be heading out to run a couple of errands throughout the day, so I will have to get the archive at those points. Finally, before I let you all read about crime, I'll be monitoring the North Center community tomorrow. It's located between Avondale and Lakeview. From what I understand, it's one of the quietest neighborhoods on this side of town. So, here's crime for today.

8:39am - Beat 1710 wants 1732 to meet him at Kimball and Belmont. She's on the way.

8:51am - 1710 is doing a focus mission from Belmont to Roscoe, Pulaski to Kimball. Event number is 03513.

12:51pm - Disturbance. 3311 N Pulaski. Behind the CVS, in the alley,
manager VS delivery man. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call while I was out running errands.

2:25pm - The cops in 16 are goofs, and I've got proof. There's a street called Prescott in their District, off of Central Ave., and guess what? They can't even find it! Sad!

6:37pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:55pm - I'm back.

8:42pm - The intersection of Belmont and Kimball is apparently slippery or something, because Dispatch says that the city's been notified about it and that the officers need to be careful going through there.

10:45pm - Battery in progress. Kimball and Belmont. Male beating on a female by the gas station.

10:50pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:45pm job. Beat car 1732, who responded, thinks the female is beating on the male.

12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow morning with the North Center community, and I'll see you all then.


  1. There was a call at around 9:10am for backup (looked like 3 or 4 additional vehicles responded) for what seemed to be a moving violation (illegal r on red?) at Addison and Avondale in which another civilian vehicle pulled over behind the offender and a very aggro looking guy jumped out and approached. Curious about whether you heard the call and what it was for?

  2. This story happened in Humboldt Park, but figured it was worth sharing anyway. Chalk one up for the good guys!,0,7994505.story

  3. Hi RockStarMel, I did hear that back-up call, but it happened north of Addison, so I didn't mention it. But I didn't the original call.

    F, that's some real street justice right there.

  4. RockStarMel, here's the call you were inquiring about (from ProdigalOne):

    8:46am - 3712 W Addison, complainant claims an assailant struck him with a weapon. Assailant in custody. Ambulance called.
