Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lakeview Crime Blotter

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. Yep, the title is right. I'm monitoring Lakeview today for those of you who read this blog and live there. I wonder how many calls I'll get today. I don't think a lot, because not only is it cold, but also because Lakeview is a pretty safe neighborhood. Tomorrow, I will resume my monitoring of 25. I will monitor it until 8pm, then I have to go to bed because of final exams this week. Then, on Friday, we have a day off and I will monitor 17 that day, then finally, next Saturday, I may monitor the North Center neighborhood. Here's crime in Lakeview for today.

8:29am - Burglar alarm. 3300 N Kenmore.

8:31am - Assault in progress. Belmont and Clark. Vehicle with a plate of A144695 has a person it in throwing beer bottles at the caller's car. This Impala was last seen heading west on Belmont towards Sheffield.

8:39am - The 8:31 call is now at Sheffield and Belmont. Those people in the car are now flashing gang signs and are flashing something shiny, possibly a gun.

8:43am - The 8:31/8:39 call doesn't want anything done. Beat car 1931 will look for the car because of the gun, though. The vehicle in question registers to 2727 Western. The plate doesn't specify whether it's north or south.

8:52am - Battery in progress. Kenmore and School. Three people fighting. Someone's holding a female on the ground. Knife possibly involved.

8:54am - CPD is on scene of the fiasco at School and Kenmore. It's intoxicated people. Officers are talking to people. Also, another call had came in for 3259 on Seminary for a "person calling for help". Possibly related to this, since Seminary is one street west of Kenmore.

9:16am - All parties from the fight are being relocated.

9:29am - Parker. 936 W Roscoe. In the loading zone.

10:12am - Threatening suicide. 3838 N Broadway. Man in Apartment #506 is threatening to kill himself. EMS is en route.

10:20am - Burglar alarm. 1549 W Belmont.

10:23am - The 10:20am job is coded. The alarm's malfunctioning, and a keyholder is coming out to the scene.

11:07am - Parker. 3820 N Broadway. Loading zone.

11:20am - Narcotics. 3046 N Halsted. Two male Whites by a green car with no grille, in the parking lot of the Walgreens, by Barry. Although it wasn't read out what they're doing to make it a narcotics call, I'm assuming they're selling or doing.

11:43am - Parker. 3520 N Lakeshore Drive. Car blocking a driveway on the Brompton side.

12:22pm - A 19th District unit has a traffic stop at Belmont and Wilton.

1:38pm - Parker. 2817 N Cambridge.

2:13pm - Traffic accident. Addison and Lincoln.

2:21pm - Narcotics. 619 W Stratford. The people who live in Apartment #404 are smoking pot, and the odor is traveling through the entire building.

2:35pm - Animal abuse. Halsted and Roscoe. Two dogs left in a bluish-greenish vehicle with it's windows rolled down.

2:50pm - Beat 1962Charlie needs another car at 1134 W Patterson for an on-view. 1923 is going. A male can be heard shouting in the background.

2:51pm - 1923 is on scene, giving a slow down.

2:52pm - A disregard is being given at 1134 Patterson.

3:03pm - Burglar alarm. 858 W Diversey.

About 4:35pm - Sounded like there was a call somewhere in the area.

5:40pm - Parker. 2914 N Clark.

5:56pm - Reckless driver. Grace and Clark.

6:19pm - Reckless driver. North of Diversey on Sheffield. Heading north you have a car cutting people off.

6:29pm - Some call over at 2930 N Sheridan regarding someone looking for someone.

6:55pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:12pm - I'm back.

7:24pm - Theft. 2803 N Southport. Caller had their purse stolen out of the barbershop. Caller is really upset.

7:27pm - A slow down is being given on the 7:24pm job. The caller left the purse unattended and someone walked off with it.

7:42pm - Suspicious person. Wellington and Racine. Two male Blacks, one with a black coat and baggy jeans, are walking towards Oakdale, trying car doors.

9:27pm - Loud music disturbance. 1609 W Belle Plaine. There's also a smell of weed.

9:50pm - Parker. On 1924's Beat.

9:51pm - Car alarm on 1954's PDT.

10:35pm - A 23rd District unit needs another one at 3952 N Broadway. Not sure why.

11:04pm -
Disturbance. 3737 N Kenmore. Cab fare dispute.

11:28pm - Disturbance. Addison and Lakeshore. Cab fare dispute.

11:33pm - 1) Check the well being. Sheridan and Belmont. Female with a shopping cart is standing on the SW corner. 2) Gang disturbance. 30X6 N Lincoln. They're at a party in the basement.

11:36pm - Parker. 3034 N Paulina.

11:41pm - Battery in progress. Newport and Clark. Two males fighting in front of the liquor store.

11:56pm - EMS run. 522 W Hawthrone. Man in Apartment #4034 has been drinking too much.

12:00am - Ok, folks, I'm done monitoring Lakeview. Tomorrow, I will monitor 25, and next Saturday, I'll monitor the North Center community. Goodnight, everyone.


  1. Why Lakeview? Who cares about those Yuppie snobs. Let's worry about Avondale and Logan Sq. Those Yuppies deserve a kick in the head once in a while.

  2. I'm covering Lakeview for today because I have readers in that area. On most Saturdays, until about April, I will be monitoring all neighborhoods I have readers in. We have yuppies in Avondale and Logan Square too, you know.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. You missed the one in 025 about the guy running around Central Pk. and Armitage dressed in a chicken suit and hitting pedestrians with a giant pink dildo.

  5. Some clown on here is having a real good time using other people's names. Just goes to show how a few people like to abuse other people's good for their own childish ways. Timmy - I did not write the above 6:43pm post

  6. Roadwolf (10:01), thank you for letting me know that.

    Anonymous 6:43, stop being a damn fool and stop using other people's names. Why don't you tell us who YOU are?

  7. To address a comment I received earlier about Edison Park: So far, I don't plan on doing it. I'd rather not because of rich snobs like that commenter.

  8. Gosh, gee wilikers and jumping jahozafats..

  9. So do they report arrests too? Were there any arrests from all this activity?

  10. That whole area is way over staffed win police. They need some cutbacks there in service with a shift of personel to the westside areas in need.

  11. LOL, bobbo.

    Interested, the only arrests I recall being maybe was from the 1134 Patterson incident.

    I couldn't agree more, FTO.

  12. I agree with FTO as well, and I'm a Lakeview resident. I appreciate the service of the police, but other neighborhoods need more help. Here, they just deal with annoying drunks.

  13. RE: Edison Park - Timmy - don't paint such a broad brush stroke on Edison Park. It's not full of "rich snobs" as you may think after hearing from the jerk who posted whatever (I didn't see it) . It's mostly middle working class/middle upper class folk with a solid fireman/cops base. No bull. I grew up there and now live in Avondale. I'd agreed with ya not wanting to monitor the area since it's very quiet.

    Keep up the great work by the way!!!

  14. Interested, you are one of the first residents of Lakeview to admit that you guys don't need CPD as much as other areas, and I appreciate that. Sure, Lakeview does have a few problems (and I'll be the first to admit that), but other areas in Chicago have far more problems, and therefore could use the extra officers.

    Anonymous, I apologize for doing that, but I feel that's what most of Edison Park consists of. I've been through there before a couple of times and the people there always look at me like I don't belong in their neighborhood. But there probably is at least some nice folks who live there. I was aware of the area having POs and firemen living there. Thank you for your comment.

  15. Edison Park is the northwest side's version of Boystown. The have their trendy bars and resturants. Even their alderman is a local drunk. Me and my life partner Rodney used to go there quite often.
