Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dog Prevents Sexual Assault Of Teen Girl

I know we've got some people in our community who are really active and want this neighborhood to be as safe as possible, and I may be the most active person in our neighborhood, BUT, neither their or my actions can compare to the actions of a dog, a Great Dane, I'm about to tell you about. Thanks to this dog, and it's owner, a crime was stopped.

As the story begins, according to Chicago Breaking News, at4:44pm on Thursday, a 14 yr old girl had just gotten off the #76 Diversey bus and was walking down the 2800 block of N Whipple (in Avondale, by the way, not Logan Square as incorrectly reported once again) when a man named Larry Smith, 28, of the 3700 block of S. Wells, began to follow her home. As she got in front of her home, Smith started running after her, and grabbed her and threw her to the ground as she tried sprinting up the stairs. Then, Smith started to try taking her clothes off as she struggled and screamed. That's when this Great Dane, named Scooby, and it's owner, Agustin Zamora, Jr., got involved. They ran outside and chased Smith down Whipple, until they got to the north alley of George on Whipple, where Scooby and Zamora concerned him. Scooby then proceeded to growl and bark at Smith until CPD arrived to take him in custody. Then he was taken in and charged with attempted Criminal Sexual Assault yesterday.

What a story. I am so proud of Scooby and Zamora, even though I don't know them. Thanks to these two, this lowlife is going to get some justice for attacking that poor girl. I say that Scooby and Zamora need to be given a Community Service Award for their heroic act, and need to be recognized throughout the city. It really takes courage to take down a criminal, especially one like this. So, congratulations to Scooby and Zamora, and THANK YOU for doing this!!


  1. Hey Timmy, that article mentions this, "A check of the criminal court records shows Smith has been arrested nearly 40 times since 2001, and was convicted of several felony drug offences, the most recent in 2007 for which he was sentenced to a year in prison."

    How does a guy like that get to roam the streets?

  2. Ain't no room in jail, that's why he's still out. It's like fishing, catch and release.

  3. Luke, agreed. So, brewer, there is your answer. But he shouldn't get to roam the streets.
