Sunday, January 2, 2011

Burglar Alarm On Churchill

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:42am. Yep, I'm up early on my day off. But it's my last day off before I have to go back to school tomorrow, unfortunately, and in this freezing weather (it's really freezing right now!). Anyway, I'm monitoring 14 at the moment. I'll be doing that until 8am, then I need to go do some stuff in the community which needs to be done, and I'll return with 25 at noon, and monitor it until my bedtime at 9pm. So, here's crime for portions of today.

7:16am - Burglar alarm. 2046 W Churchill.

7:30am - EMS run. 2949 W Wabansia. A woman took 10 pills.

7:40am - The 7:30am job is coded. She doesn't want help.

8:00am - Ok, I'm gone until noon. I'll see you all then. Have a great morning, everyone.

12:00pm - I'm back. Good afternoon, everyone.

2:36pm - Disturbance. 4444 W Fullerton. Gas station cheated the caller off $20. This call's been pending since 13:07 (1:07pm) hours.

3:16pm - Traffic accident. 2306 N Keystone.

6:42pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Kostner.

6:43pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:00pm - I'm back.

9:00pm - I'm going to bed now. But, before I do, I'd like to say something. For those of you a couple of months ago who were complaining that I go to so many meetings, that won't be the case after this month. Starting in February, I no longer have meetings to go on Thursdays. Those will not be happening anymore after this month. So, with that, good night, all.


  1. Why don't the church care for the homeless? Are not most of the homeless catholic?

  2. Jude - The Official 2010 Census for the United States of America states that the majority of the homeless are Agnostic. Therefore, the Catholic Church is not at fault for not helping the all the homeless. Please do correct research and represent yourself in a correct manner when on a public forum. Thank you.

  3. My News Year resolution is to rid the community of all these winos that stagger around Milwalkee. The liquor store owners need to raise the cost of their booze so these street people don't have easy access to it. I'm tired of stepping over these people. I'm tired of calling the police. Back in the day these winos were on Madison Ave. where they belonged!

  4. Where exactly is Madison Avenue? Strange comments on here tonight.

  5. Take it easy Roadfruit! No need to be a pompous-ass. Where did you get your nickname from? That must be your moniker when your playing Warcraft and being a real tough guy with the dwarfs. Try not being a cocksucker on a public forum.

  6. Its Madison St. Madison Ave. is in New york....

  7. 11:30am - Just so everyone's on notice, if your comments don't make it through, that's because it's either non-sense, shit stirring or racist. And I'm not putting up with it this year. Enough posts were destroyed in 2010 with that B.S.
    Stick to this new year resolution Timmy! Dont let this blog be a forum for idiots. The more followers you have
    the more stupid comments you will receive. Stay on track of your original goal. Happy New Year, and lets hope our community is a better one this year.

  8. Well there's drunks on Madison St and there still there. The one's on Milwaukee Ave have been here since the 50's since the white fligth the ones that didn't move were poor or bums. This bums have been here more that you they dont belong on Madison St why they were and started there posse of drunks and bums on Milwaukee Ave. So there staying there for the long run because we cant get rid of bums and the police dont really do anything about it, and Logan Square has a good amount of boarded up buildings that they like to call home.

  9. Judy, my nickname comes from the 1948 Zephyr Coal Train that ran the long and treacherous run from Big Sur into Oregon at full load during the late night hours. Thank you for your inquiry.

  10. Americanlt, don't you live outside of this community? But, even if you do, thanks for offering to help.

    j, I agree. Strange comments indeed.

  11. Jude and Roadwolf, wow. That's all I'll say.

    Moulin, I will indeed stick to this resolution. I mean it this time. This blog is a place for us to come together about community issues, not a place where we attack each other.

    Anonymous 3:53, I agree. I've seen them on Madison too.
