Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Beat 2523 CAPS Meeting This Evening (1-26-11)

Good evening, everyone. The meeting this month had an ok turn-out. Certainly not as big as meetings in the past, but hey, it's cold out. So, moving on to the old issues from December:

Old problems:
* 2800 N. Ridgeway - 9 arrests were made; one for reckless conduct, one for battery. Contact cards were done.
* 2800 N. Tripp - Sgt. Weiglein says that CPD checked out the concern presented and checked various license plates in the area.

Before I move on to the new problems, I'd like to let you all know about something the Sarge told me about regarding citizens monitoring POD cameras. He tells me that he is looking for interested people in order to come up with a date for a training session. He says you can monitor whenever you want, but you WOULD have to come to the police station to do it. If you are interested, please e-mail me, and I will let the Sergeant know.

And now to the new problems:
* On George, a car has been sitting there since November and has not moved at all.
* On Kearsarge, cars are violating the parking signs by parking there by parking from 6am-8pm

Other observations:
> This meeting was on the short side.
> From a resident who lives in Logan Sq. but came to our meeting - Three men posing as ComEd workers have been burglarizing, or attempting to, the 2700 block of N Drake.
The most incidents took place in the 2900 block of N Ridgeway. The most crimes were burglary (19 reported incidents), theft (18 reported incidents), and motor vehicle theft (17 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Mondays and Saturdays.

As I do in every Beat meeting post, I extend my thanks to all for being involved in this meeting. Once again, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! It only takes ONE hour of your time, and we need all of the help we can get.

Next meeting: March 23, 2010 at Copernicus Center (3160 N. Milwaukee) at 6:30PM.

Thank you,


  1. Damn, 19 burglaries in the 2900 block of Ridgeway? What there to steal around there? Most of the block is abandoned biuldings.

  2. "Before I move on to the new problems, I'd like to let you all know about something the Sarge told me about regarding citizens monitoring POD cameras. He tells me that he is looking for interested people in order to come up with a date for a training session. He says you can monitor whenever you want, but you WOULD have to come to the police station to do it."

    Timmy that sounds exciting and a little intimidating. I think I'd be a little afraid of what I might see!

    But I hope they get plenty of offers.

  3. Luke, I apologize for not being clear enough. No, the 19 burglaries were on the entire Beat. The 2900 block of Ridgeway has had six crimes in the last month and a half.

    Timothy, I hope so, too. It sounds like a really fun thing to be a part of.
