Thursday, January 13, 2011

Banco Popular Alarm Going Off

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:26pm. Another drama-filled day at school ... God, what is it with these kids these days? I honestly don't understand why they can't just come, SHUT UP and do their work? Too much socializing going on in schools if you ask me. I'm just glad to be home. Anyway, I never did apologize to all of you for no blog post on Tuesday, so I'm sorry. I had monitored from 3:26 to 3:53pm, and there were no calls. After that, I had a meeting to go to. Speaking of meetings, I've got one Saturday morning at the 25th District station. So, anyway, here's crime for this afternoon and early evening.

3:37pm - Burglar alarm. 3956 W North. Alarm at Banco Popular is going off.

6:08pm - I'm going to respond to some e-mails before I eat, and I need my music to think :).


  1. You're going to 25? Those cops there are of no use. The desk crew there is very rude on afternoons. The women that work there are a bunch of smartie pants.

  2. I'm not going for the cops, americanlt. I've been asked to come in to speak with the CAPS Organizer/Coordinator (supervisor over block clubs), who is a civilian working for CPD, by the way. I could care less for those yahoos at the desk.
