Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Baby Locked In Vehicle On Pulaski

Good afternoon, it's 3:01pm. I'm in a better mood today, I guess. But it doesn't stop be from being a bit angry/upset with the community. To be honest, it will take me a few days to get over that. And, even after that, I'll most likely be doing a few things differently around here. Anyway, it's cold out. I haven't been able to get the chill out of me today. And it doesn't look like it's going to warm up in the next few days. So, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:19pm - Assist the citizen. Diversey and Pulaski. The caller parked their vehicle on the 2700 block of N Pulaski somewhere and locked their small child accidentally in the car. CFD is on the way to help.

4:00pm - I'm going to go until 6:53. I'll be back then.

6:53pm - I'm back.

6:55pm - Gang disturbance. On the 20 sector of 25.

6:59pm - Robbery. 4246 W Fullerton. The store was held up by two males, one with a ski mask, gray hoodie, and the other one with a black coat. They fled towards Kildare on Fullerton.

7:08pm - Wanted from the 6:59pm job are two male Hispanics, one 5'8 to 5'9, about 170 lbs, a black/white bandanna and light brown winter coat with a hood, and the other one 5'6 to 5'7, 160 lbs, gray sweater who displayed sliver automatic handgun. Taken was $800-900.

7:11pm - An RD number has been pulled from the robbery. It's HT105433 with the event number of 13386.

7:42pm - Burglar report. 3642 W Dickens.

8:57pm - Disturbance. 3042 N Milwaukee. Intoxicated male causing problems inside.

9:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. Baby locked in car? The police arn't locksmiths, they can only break a window, thus getting sued by the victim. These idiots should get ticketed for such dumb behavior like locking their kids in cars. She probably left it running while she was in her house goofing off.

  2. hey bobbo- I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure police and fire personnel carry 'Slim Jims'(car door opening devices) in their vehicles for such occasions as a child locked in. I doubt they would run the risk of injury to a child or anyone from shattered glass. Still follow you everyday, Timmy !! Great work, Buddy

  3. Uh Tim, Slim jims don't work on newer cars because most have power locks. Also, you have to be careful of side panel airbags. Hit a sensor and the bag might go off.
    Saw a cop try to help a woman with a Volvo sport utility vehicle. He just screwed up her door controls. So who pays the bill? The cop or the city?
