Sunday, December 26, 2010

Windows Shattered Out On Diversey

Good morning, everyone, it's 9:35am. It's the day after Christmas, and I hope everyone had a great one. But now we're moving on, I guess. Today, I should be here most of the day (if not all day). Also, I will be monitoring 17 on Wednesday all day for those of you North of Belmont. I have nothing else to say, so here's crime for today.

9:52am - Generic. 4442 W Diversey. A window next door to the caller's business was shattered out.

10:00am - The window is indeed shattered out. They're going to try to contact an owner.

10:48am - Burglar alarm. 3724 W Fullerton.

11:03am - Parker. 2604 N Hamlin.

1:08pm - Parker. 2607 N Hamlin.

2:13pm - Backlog in 25 at 14:13 hours.

2:33pm - Assault. 2112 N Central Park. Caller was threatened by a guy in the alley over a snowblower.

2:34pm - Battery. 2537 N Lowell. The wife was battered by the mental neighbor in the basement.

3:53pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Central Park.

4:08pm - Open door. 2943 N Hamlin. Back door is open to the vacant building.

5:58pm - Check the well being. 2815 N Harding. There is very hot water leaking into the caller's basement, and the caller went up to the landlord's apartment, and called his phone, but he hasn't answered either.

6:01pm - Suspicious person. 3100 N Davlin. Male in a dark baseball cap with a dark jacket keeps circling the area in a vehicle.

6:19pm - Parker. 1706 N Lawndale.

6:54pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:07pm - I'm back.

7:13pm - Parker. 3725 W Fullerton.

9:31pm - Criminal damage in progress. 2312 N Kedvale. Three males tagging the caller's garage.

9:38pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3136 N Central Park.

9:53pm - Suspicious vehicle. Diversey and Kostner. Female heading east in a car towards Lowell has a hand in the back of it. It's persumed there's no human body attached to it...

10:07pm - Loud music disturbance. 2431 N Tripp.

10:22pm - Parker. 2803 N Ridgeway.

11:56pm - I'm going to go. I'll see you all tomorrow, and good night :).


  1. Timmy, What do you think districts have the most "action"? I would say District 10 and 11 Ogden and Harrison District. Perhaps 15 and 25 Austin and Grand Central?

  2. Hi Timmy - Did you hear anything about what happened at the Logan Square blue line stop at around 9am this morning? Lots of emergency vehicles and (fire, police, don't remember if I saw any ambulance)? Streets were all closed off and the station was shut down.

    Hope you are enjoying Christmas! Happy Holidays!

  3. Here is the article on the Blue Line incident:

  4. Oh where, oh where, have all the pissbums gone. Oh where, oh where can they be?

  5. Americanlt, I would actually say that Districts 7 (Englewood) and 8 (Chicago Lawn) have the most "action". The 7th District is INSANE to listen to, and the 8th is so active because it's the largest District in the whole city. But the 10th and 11th Districts are second to none, especially the 11th.

    Erica, thank you! I hope you're also enjoying your Holidays!

    Roadwolf, thanks for the article.

    Jack, we've gotten ridden of most of them, and besides, it's too cold to be hanging around outside.
