Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Suspicious Vehicle On Belden (14), Fight On Lawndale

Good morning, everyone, it's 8:46am. It's a little warmer than it has been, but still cold. It's also extremely snowy out. Anyway, I'm monitoring 14 until 9:05, then I'm going to monitor 25 for the rest of the day, until midnight, then will switch over to 17 until 5am (hopefully). With that, here's crime for today.

8:55am - Suspicious vehicle. 31XX W Belden.
9:05am - I'm here with 25 now.

12:34pm - Battery in progress. 2504 N Lawndale. Uncle threw a brick at the caller and is fighting with everyone. Officers are advised to use caution, since this guy's very violent.

12:36pm - Now it's a "person w/ a knife" call.

1:17pm - Gang disturbance. Hamlin and Dickens. 5 of them standing on the corner, yelling and flashing gang signs.

2:11pm - some call for 3847 W Wrightwood.

2:29pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

4:04pm - Just received this email from the 17th District CAPS office: "
Traffic Alert -- Belmont and Kedzie: The traffic signals at the intersection of Belmont and Kedzie are not working due to an earlier traffic accident in which the control box was struck. CDOT crews are working to restore the traffic signals. In the meantime, motorists are advised to take an alternate route and avoid this intersection if possible,".

4:36pm - Dispatch has "B.S." for Beat car 2525 to code out on the Beat. Ugh ... this dispatcher is such a jerk. Can't stand him.

5:09pm - I'm taking my nap now. I'll be back at 5:39.

6:18pm - Unfortunately, I didn't come back at 5:39 as planned ... ugh. Now I have to monitor 14 at that time tomorrow. By the way. there were no calls in 25 during my nap.

6:22pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:39pm - I'm back.

7:01pm - Parker. 4301 W Wrightwood. Car blocking driveway.

8:14pm - Burgulary in progress. 2523 N Springfield. An apartment is being broken into.

8:29pm - Theft in progress. 2121 N Avers. Two males in front attempting to break into a vehicle.

8:34pm - A slow down is being given on the 8:29pm job.

9:26pm - Two calls of a battery. First one is at 3709 W Diversey and the second is at 3653 W Diversey. The narratives are the same though. Four male Blacks who are walking up and down Diversey punched both of the callers. These guys are randomly doing it. I think they're looking for a fight.

9:42pm - Disturbance. 3847 W Wrightwood. Snowball throwers.

9:58pm - Battery in progress. 2454 N Springfield. Two males fighting on the 1st floor.

10:04pm - Beat car 2524 needs a transport unit at Lawndale and Diversey. They've got the offenders from the two incidents on Diversey. 2522 is going over.

10:16pm - They're calling back on the 9:58pm job.

10:56pm - Car alarm. 2858 N Central Park. It goes off every two seconds.

11:01pm - Shots Fired. Dickens and Lawndale. Three heard.

11:07pm - The 11:01pm job is a 19Boy.

11:10pm - Loud music disturbance. 4023 W Wellington.

11:19pm - Speed pursuit. Speed pursuit. Kimball and Wabansia. Beat car 2525Robert is chasing a DUI offender in a white van who nearly hit their car. Heading towards North Ave. About 10 seconds later, the guy jumped out of the car at 3434 on North, then he was immediately placed into custody.

11:20pm - A unit is needed on Kimball to check for bags of cocaine the offender threw out of his car.

11:23pm - One officer found a bag at 2222 N Kimball.

11:24pm - Another bag found at 2258 N Kimball.

12:00am - I'm done monitoring 25 for the night. Standby for 17...


  1. Why does EMS need the police on scene for a choking 1 yr. old? I've noticed on lots of calls that fire refuses to go. Yet they want the police to check it out first? If I'm hurt, I'd be pissed if the cops come instead of fire.

  2. I have no idea, but I think it's really stupid that they do this. This is one of the reasons why we don't have any police to respond to real calls..

  3. I think they should make a new law or something, so the cops wont have to go to stupid calls like the one your talking about and domestic. They could solve it themselves the cops doesnt have to get in there problems.

  4. Shots fired Lawndale and Dickens? Probably MLD's and the Cobras at each other again.

  5. Anonymous, I agree.

    Bobbo, yup. As a matter of fact, I hear that gun play isn't uncommon at that intersection. It happens quite regularly.

  6. Guy on cocaine finally they actually stop a druggie, when I call in about drugs addict shooting up or smoking in the alleys they usually take a long time or they never show up. At least this guy is going to go thru hell tomorrow high on coke, drunk, and arrrested Im sure glad Im not him he's going to have a bad morning. I understand doing drugs but while driving come on wait til you get home then you could shove whatever up your nose.

  7. Uh, he won't go to jail, but the hospital. Drug use along with drinking is a sickness. Thus not a real crime. Just a social one.

  8. uh, hemmoroides and the flue are real sickness, smoking a joint or powdering your nose and drinking budweiser is more of a choice dr. luke.
